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causesSubclass CantoneseCuisine
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CancellingAnOrder (cancelling an order) capitalExpendituresOfArea (capital expenditures of area)
Cancer (cancer) capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod (capital expenditures of area in period)
Candela (candela) cardAccount (card account)
Candle (candle) cardCode (card code)
CandoshiShapraLanguage (candoshi shapra language) cardinality (cardinality)
CaneSugarRefining (cane sugar refining) cargo (cargo)
CanichanaLanguage (canichana language) cargoType (cargo type)
Canine (canine) carrierFrequency (carrier frequency)
CankiriTurkey (cankiri turkey) carries (carries)
Cannabis (cannabis) catalogItem (catalog item)
Canoe (canoe) catalyst (catalyst)
CanolaOil (canola oil) categoryID (category identifier string)
CanopiedVegetation (canopied vegetation) categoryOf (category of)
CantLanguage (cant language) causes (causes)
CantabrianCuisine (Cantabrian Cuisine) causesProposition (causes proposition)
CausesSubclass cantoneseCuisine
CantoneseCuisine (Cantonese Cuisine) causesSubclass (causes subclass)
CantoneseLanguage (Cantonese language) cb (cb)
CanvasAndRelatedProductMills (canvas and related product mills) cellShape (cell shape)
Canyon (canyon) chamberOfLegislature (chamber of legislature)
Capacitor (capacitor) chanceryAddressInArea (chancery address in area)
CapacitorElement (capacitor element) chanceryFAXNumberInArea (chanceryFAX number in area)
Cape (cape) chanceryMailingAddressInArea (chancery mailing address in area)
CapeTownSouthAfrica (cape town south africa) chanceryTelephoneNumberInArea (chancery telephone number in area)
CapeVerde (cape verde) changesLocation (changes location)
CapeVerdeEscudo (cape verde escudo) checkAccount (check account)
CapeVerdeanCuisine (CapeVerdean Cuisine) checkInTime (check-in time)
Capillary (capillary) checkNumber (check number)
CapitalistEconomy (capitalist economy) checkOutTime (check-out time)
CapitateBone (CapitateBone) chiefOfDiplomaticMission (chief of diplomatic mission)
Capoeira (capoeira) chiefOfState (chief of state)
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