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chiefOfDiplomaticMission CTHostageMaterielRecovery
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CDR (CDR) causes (causes)
CDROM (CDROM) causesProposition (causes proposition)
CDRW (CDRW) causesSubclass (causes subclass)
CH46D (CH-46D Sea Knight) cb (cb)
CH53E (CH-53E Super Stallion) cellShape (cell shape)
CIAAirportLengthClassification (CIA airport length classification) chamberOfLegislature (chamber of legislature)
CIGNA (CIGNA) chanceryAddressInArea (chancery address in area)
CONPLAN (CONPLAN) chanceryFAXNumberInArea (chanceryFAX number in area)
CONPLANwithTPFDD (CONPLAN with TPFDD) chanceryMailingAddressInArea (chancery mailing address in area)
COVIDAntibody (COVID antibody) chanceryTelephoneNumberInArea (chancery telephone number in area)
CPAPVentilator (BIPAP) changesLocation (changes location)
CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) checkAccount (check account)
CPU (CPU) checkInTime (check-in time)
CPUUtilizationFn (CPU utilization) checkNumber (check number)
CSGas (CS gas) checkOutTime (check-out time)
ChiefOfDiplomaticMission cTHostageMaterielRecovery
CTHostageMaterielRecovery (counter-terrorism hostage or materiel recovery operation) chiefOfDiplomaticMission (chief of diplomatic mission)
CTIntelligenceOperation (counter-terrorism intelligence operation) chiefOfState (chief of state)
CTNonKineticActivity (counter-terrorism non-kinetic activity) chiefOfStateType (chief of state type)
CTNwInfraAttack (counter-terrorism network and infrastructure attack) chromosomeNumber (chromosome number)
CVJoint (C.V. joint) chromosomeSetCount (chromosome set count)
CVS (CVS) circumfrence (circumfrence)
CVSHealth (CVS Health) citizen (citizen)
CYFA (CYFA) claimedTerritory (claimed territory)
CabCar (cab car) classmate (classmate)
Cabbage (cabbage) climateTypeInArea (climate type in area)
CabbagePlant (cabbage plant) closedOn (closed on)
CabindaAngola (cabinda angola) closingPrice (closing price)
CabinetFn (cabinet) cloudCoverFraction (cloud cover fraction)
Cable (cable) coaches (coaches)
CableAndOtherProgramDistribution (cable and other program distribution) codeMapping (code mapping)
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