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visibilityInMeteorology Turtle
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TurkishLira (turkish lira) vaccine (vaccine)
TurkishSignLanguage (turkish sign language) valence (valence)
TurkmenEthnicity (turkmen ethnicity) validFor (valid for)
TurkmenLanguage (turkmen language) validPaymentType (valid payment type)
TurkmenManat (turkmen manat) validityPeriod (validity period)
TurkmenianLanguage (turkmenian language) vegetationType (vegetation type)
Turkmenistan (turkmenistan) vegetationTypePattern (vegetation type pattern)
TurksAndCaicosCreoleEnglishLanguage (turks and caicos creole english language) version (version)
TurksAndCaicosIslands (turks and caicos islands) vesselDeadWeightTonnage (vessel dead weight tonnage)
Turmeric (turmeric) vesselDisplacement (vessel displacement)
TurndownService (turndown service) vesselGrossRegisteredTonnage (vessel gross registered tonnage)
TurnedProductAndScrewNutAndBoltManufacturing (turned product and screw nut and bolt manufacturing) victim (victim)
TurningOffDevice (turning off device) viewType (view type)
TurningOnDevice (turning on device) viewedItemList (list of viewed items)
Turnip (turnip) viewedListing (viewed listing)
VisibilityInMeteorology turtle
Turtle (turtle) visibilityInMeteorology (visibility in meteorology)
TuscanCuisine (Tuscan Cuisine) visitorParameter (visitor profile parameter)
TuscaroraLanguage (tuscarora language) visualAcuity (visual acuity)
TuscaroraNottowayLanguage (tuscarora nottoway language) voltageMeasure (voltage measure)
TuteloGroupLanguage (tutelo group language) voltageRatingPrimary (primary voltage rating)
TuteloLanguage (tutelo language) voltageRatingSecondary (seconary voltage rating)
TutorialCategory (tutorial category) voteFractionReceived (vote fraction received)
Tuvalu (tuvalu) wants (wants)
TuvaluDollar (tuvalu dollar) warmSeasonInArea (warm season in area)
TuxaLanguage (tuxa language) watchingListings (watching listings)
Tweeting (tweeting) waterAreaOnly (water area only)
TwelveApostles (Twelve apostles) waterDepth (water depth)
TwentsLanguage (twents language) waveHeight (wave height)
TwiLanguage (Twi language) wavelength (wavelength)
TwigToTheUpperPartOfLacrimalSacArtery (twig to the upper part of lacrimal sac artery) weaponCarryingCapability (weapon carrying capability)
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