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topSpeed TerritoryID
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TerminalBranchHepaticArtery (terminal branch hepatic artery) temporallyBetweenOrEqual (temporally between or equal)
TerminalBuilding (terminal building) tenant (tenant)
TerminalGuidance (terminal guidance) termFormat (term format)
TerminalNodeFn (terminal node) termLength (term length)
TerminatingEmployment (terminating employment) terrainInArea (terrain in area)
TernaryFunction (ternary function) text (text)
TernaryPredicate (ternary predicate) tg (tg)
TernaryRelation (ternary relation) third (third)
TernateLanguage (ternate language) thirdPartyProduct (third party product)
TernatenoLanguage (ternateno language) thresholdOf (threshold of)
TerrainAttribute (terrain attribute) time (time)
TerritorialDispute (territorial dispute) titleInLanguage (title in language)
TerritorialSea (territorial sea) titles (titles)
TerritorialSeaFn (territorial sea) tonicity (tonicity)
TerritoryCode (territory code) top (top)
TopSpeed territoryID
TerritoryID (territory ID) topSpeed (top speed)
Terror (terror) total (total)
Terrorism (terrorism) totalArea (total area)
Terrorist (terrorist) totalBalance (total balance)
TerroristAttack (terrorist attack) totalBiomass (total biomass)
TerroristOrganization (terrorist organization) totalCoastline (total coastline)
Tesla (tesla) totalFacilityTypeInArea (total facility type in area)
TestForm (test form) totalGDP (totalGDP)
TestProtocolSpecification (test protocol specification) totalGDPInPeriod (totalGDP in period)
Testament (testament) totalLandBoundary (total land boundary)
TesticularArtery (testicular artery) totalLengthOfHighwaySystem (total length of highway system)
Testifying (testifying) totalLengthOfRailwaySystem (total length of railway system)
TestingLaboratories (testing laboratories) totalLengthOfWaterways (total length of waterways)
Tetanus (tetanus) totalOrderingOn (total ordering on)
TetraploidCell (tetraploid cell) totalPipelineInArea (total pipeline in area)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners