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partTypes PartiallyCoveringGraphicalWindow
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ParoleOfficesAndProbationOffices (parole offices and probation offices) overdraft (overdraft)
ParotidFascia (ParotidFascia) overlapsPartially (overlap partially)
Parrot (parrot) overlapsSpatially (overlap spatially)
ParsiDariLanguage (parsi dari language) overlapsTemporally (overlap temporally)
ParsiLanguage (parsi language) oxygenSaturation (oxygen saturation)
Parsley (parsley) pValue (confidence interval)
Parsnip (parsnip) paidFunctionRoomAmenity (free function room amenity)
PartIIMember (partII member) paidPropertyAmenity (paid property amenity)
PartIMember (partI member) paidRoomAmenity (paid room amenity)
PartTimePosition (part time position) parallel (parallel)
PartialDifferentialEquation (partial differential equation) parasite (parasite)
PartialMarketEconomy (partial market economy) parasitic (parasitic)
PartialOrderingRelation (partial ordering relation) parent (parent)
PartialVacuum (partial vacuum) part (part)
PartialValuedRelation (partial valued relation) partType (partType)
PartTypes partiallyCoveringGraphicalWindow
PartiallyCoveringGraphicalWindow (partially covering graphical window) partTypes (part types)
Particle (Particle) partialOrderingOn (partial ordering on)
ParticleWord (particle word) partiallyFills (partially fills)
ParticulateMatter (particulate matter) partition (partition)
PartlyCloudyWeather (partly cloudy weather) partlyLocated (partly located)
PartnersForCooperation (partners for cooperation) partyToAgreement (party to agreement)
Partnership (partnership) passenger (passenger)
PartnershipForPeace (partnership for peace) passengerCapacityMaxNumber (passenger capacity max number)
PartyID (party ID) password (password)
PartyPlatform (party platform) pastTense (past tense)
ParyaLanguage (parya language) paternalAunt (paternal aunt)
Pascal (pascal) paternalUncle (paternal uncle)
PashayiGroupLanguage (pashayi group language) path (path)
PashtoLanguage (pashto language) pathInSystem (path in system)
PashtunEthnicity (pashtun ethnicity) pathLength (path length)
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