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emotionTendency DocumentPreparationServices
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DiversifiedEconomy (diversified economy) effectiveRange (effective range)
Dividend (dividend) electionDatePlannedForPosition (election date planned for position)
Diving (diving) electionForOrganization (election for organization)
DivisionFn (division) electionForPosition (election for position)
Divorcing (divorcing) electionWinner (election winner)
Dizzy (dizzy) electricityConsumptionInPeriod (electricity consumption in period)
DjakashariGeorgia (djakashari georgia) electricityExportInPeriod (electricity export in period)
DjerbaTunisia (djerba tunisia) electricityFractionFromSource (electricity fraction from source)
Djibouti (djibouti) electricityFractionFromSourceInPeriod (electricity fraction from source in period)
DjiboutiFranc (djibouti franc) electricityImportInPeriod (electricity import in period)
DoNetworkMessaging (do network messaging) electricityProductionInPeriod (electricity production in period)
Doctrine (doctrine) electronNumber (electron number)
Document (document) element (element)
DocumentCategory (document category) elevation (elevation)
DocumentFn (document) emailAddress (email address)
EmotionTendency documentPreparationServices
DocumentPreparationServices (document preparation services) emotionTendency (emotion tendency)
Documentary (documentary) employeeContribution (employee contribution)
DodaIndia (doda india) employs (employs)
DodecaploidCell (codecaploid cell) enemy (enemy)
Dodgeball (dodgeball) engineCylinders (engine cylinders)
Dodging (dodging) engineDisplacement (engine displacement)
DogAndCatFoodManufacturing (dog and cat food manufacturing) engineIdleSpeed (engine idle speed)
Doll (doll) engineeringSubcomponent (engineering subcomponent)
DollAndStuffedToyManufacturing (doll and stuffed toy manufacturing) engineers (engineers)
DollToyAndGameManufacturing (doll toy and game manufacturing) enjoys (enjoys)
DomLanguage (dom language) ennervates (ennervates)
DomainFn (DomainFn) entails (entails)
Dome (dome) environmentAttributes (environment attributes)
Domestic (domestic) environmentalProblemTypeInArea (environmental problem type in area)
DomesticAnimal (domestic animal) equal (equal)
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