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conventionalShortName DeFrieEvangeliskeForsamlinger
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DataWarehouse (data warehouse) containsInformation (contains information)
Database (database) contestEntry (contest entry)
DatabaseAdministrator (database administrator) contestObject (contest object)
DatabaseAndDirectoryPublishers (database and directory publishers) contestOrganizer (contest organizer)
DateFruit (date fruit) contestParticipant (contest participant)
DatumFn (datum) contestParticipantRepresentation (contest representation)
Daxas (Daxas) contractedRentalPrice (contracted rental price)
Day (day) contractor (contractor)
DayDuration (day duration) contraryAttribute (contrary attribute)
DayFn (day) contraryAttributeWRT (contrary attribute WRT)
DayLoan (day loan) contraryProperty (contraryProperty)
DayOrder (day order) contrastRatio (contrast ratio)
DaySchool (day school) controlGroup (control group)
DayTime (day time) controlled (controlled)
DcMotor (dc motor) conventionalLongName (official name)
ConventionalShortName deFrieEvangeliskeForsamlinger
DeFrieEvangeliskeForsamlinger (De frie evangeliske forsamlinger) conventionalShortName (acronym)
Deacon (deacon) conversionEvent (conversionEvent)
DeactivatingAnAccount (de-activating an account) conveyance (conveyance)
Dead (dead) cooccur (cooccur)
DeadFn (Dead fn) coolSeasonInArea (cool season in area)
DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn (dead or missing body part fn) coordinates (coordinates)
DeadSea (dead sea) copy (copy)
Deaf (deaf) coreBodyTemp (coreBodyTemp)
DeafSignLanguage (deaf sign language) corkageFee (corkage fee)
Death (death) counselInCase (counsel in case)
DeathCareServices (death care services) couponInterest (coupon interest)
DeathCertificate (DeathCertificate) courseWRTCompassNorth (courseWRT compass north)
DeathsPerThousandFn (deaths per thousand) courseWRTMagneticNorth (courseWRT magnetic north)
DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn (deaths per thousand live births) courseWRTTrueNorth (courseWRT true north)
DebaSpain (deba spain) cousin (cousin)
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