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consistent Clothing
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ClosedTwoDimensionalFigure (closed two dimensional figure) confersRight (confers right)
ClosedWorldPredicate (ClosedWorldPredicate) confidenceInterval (confidence interval)
Closet (closet) confirmationNumber (confirmation number)
Closing (closing) confirmedRegisteredUser (confirmed registed user)
ClosingAnAccount (closing an account) conforms (conforms)
ClosingContract (closing contract) conjugate (conjugate)
ClosingEyes (closing eyes) connected (connected)
ClosingGraphicalWindow (closing graphical window) connectedBodyPart (connected)
ClostridiumBotulinum (clostridium botulinum) connectedBodyPartTypes (connectedBodyPartTypes)
ClostridiumPerfringens (clostridium perfringens) connectedDownstream (connected downstream)
ClostridiumTetani (clostridium tetani) connectedEngineeringComponents (connected engineering components)
Clot (clot) connectedPeripheral (connected peripheral)
Clothed (clothed) connects (connects)
ClothesDryer (clothes dryer) connectsEngineeringComponents (connects engineering components)
ClothesWashingMachine (clothes washing machine) considers (considers)
Consistent clothing
Clothing (clothing) consistent (consistent)
ClothingAccessoriesStores (clothing accessories stores) constructionPeriod (construction period)
ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores (clothing and clothing accessories stores) contains (contains)
ClothingStores (clothing stores) containsFormula (contains formula)
ClothingSuit (clothing suit) containsInformation (contains information)
Clotting (clotting) contestEntry (contest entry)
Cloud (cloud) contestObject (contest object)
Cloudy (cloudy) contestOrganizer (contest organizer)
Clove (clove) contestParticipant (contest participant)
Clover (clover) contestParticipantRepresentation (contest representation)
CloverPlant (clover plant) contractedRentalPrice (contracted rental price)
Club (club) contractor (contractor)
ClubLevel (club level) contraryAttribute (contrary attribute)
Clutch (clutch) contraryAttributeWRT (contrary attribute WRT)
Coach (coach) contraryProperty (contraryProperty)
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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners