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agreementPeriod BreathingDifficulty
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BreadOrBiscuit (bread or biscuit) administrativeCenter (administrative center)
Breadfruit (breadfruit) administrator (administrator)
BreakabilityAttribute (breakability attribute) advertisedOn (advertised on)
Breakfast (breakfast) affiliatedOrganization (affiliated organization)
BreakfastCerealManufacturing (breakfast cereal manufacturing) afterTaxIncome (after tax income)
BreakfastTime (breakfast time) age (age)
Breaking (breaking) ageOfMajorityForProcess (age of majority for process)
BreakingRecord (breaking record) agent (agent)
BreakingWave (breaking wave) agentName (agent name)
BreakthroughInfection (breakthrough infection) agentOperatesInArea (agent operates in area)
Breast (breast) agreementAdoptionDate (agreement adoption date)
Breath (Breath) agreementClause (agreement clause)
Breathing (breathing) agreementEffectiveDate (agreement effective date)
BreathingAtAMoreRapidRate (breathing at a more rapid rate) agreementEffectiveDuring (agreement effective during)
BreathingAtASlowerRate (breathing at a slower rate) agreementExpirationDate (expiration date)
AgreementPeriod breathingDifficulty
BreathingDifficulty (breathing difficulty) agreementPeriod (agreement period)
BretonLanguage (breton language) agreementRevisionDate (agreement revision date)
Breweries (breweries) agriculturalProductType (agricultural product type)
Brewpub (Brewpub) agriculturalProductTypeByRank (agricultural product type by rank)
Brick (brick) aimOfOrganization (aim of organization)
BrickAndStructuralClayTileManufacturing (brick and structural clay tile manufacturing) airQualityIndex (airQualityIndex)
BrickStoneAndRelatedConstructionMaterialWholesalers (brick stone and related construction material wholesalers) airTemperature (air temperature)
Bridge (bridge) albumArtist (album artist)
BridgeAndTunnelConstruction (bridge and tunnel construction) albumCoverImage (album cover)
BridgeLoan (bridge loan) albumLength (album length)
BridgeSinglePhaseRectifier (bridge single phase rectifier) albumRelease (album release)
Brie (brie) albumTrack (album track)
Brigade (brigade) albumType (album type)
BrigadierGeneral (brigadier general) alias (alias)
Brine (brine) allRoomsPhysicalAmenity (physical amenity in all rooms)
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