Parents |
WaterArea |
A body which is made up predominantly of water, e.g. rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
Children |
Estuary | Estuary is the subclass of BodyOfWater that represents WaterAreas where a sea or ocean Tide meets a River current. |
| ExclusiveFishingZone | ExclusiveFishingZone is the subclass of MaritimeClaimArea including offshore areas over which a nation claims exclusive jurisdiction only for fishing purposes (cf. MaritimeExclusiveEconomicZone). Zone widths vary up to 200 miles (NM). |
| ExtendedFishingZone | ExtendedFishingZone is the subclass of MaritimeClaimArea that includes offshore areas over which a nation claims fishing rights, beyond that nation's ExclusiveFishingZone. Zone widths vary, from as little as 12 miles (NM) up to a width of 200 miles (NM). |
| Gulf | Gulf is the class of extensions of a Sea or Ocean that reach into a land mass or are partially enclosed by a LandArea. A Gulf is typically larger than a Bay. |
| MaritimeContiguousZone | MaritimeContiguousZone is the subclass of MaritimeClaimArea that includes areas over which a geopolitical state may exercise some control of activities beyond the 12-mile zone of its TerritorialSea. In general, the authorized control is for preventing or punishing activities that would violate laws applying within the 12-mile zone (that is, authorization to chase and intercept). According to the LawOfTheSea, a MaritimeContiguousZone may extend up to 24 nautical miles from the coast. |
| MaritimeExclusiveEconomicZone | MaritimeExclusiveEconomicZone is the subclass of MaritimeClaimArea that represents the offshore area that coastal nations can claim for fishing and other uses of the ocean water and seabed found there. |
| Ocean | Ocean is the class containing the oceans that are the major subdivisions of the WorldOcean. According to the International Hydrographic Association, there are five oceans: the AtlanticOcean, PacificOcean, IndianOcean, SouthernOcean, and ArcticOcean. Note: The largest oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific, are subdivided into Northern and Southern regions, but those regions are not separate Oceans. |
| SaltLake | SaltLake is the class of landlocked bodies of salt water, including those referred to as 'Seas', e.g., the CaspianSea. But note that the MediterraneanSea is a Sea. |
| Sea | Sea is the class of smaller subdivisions of the WorldOcean, typically partially surrounded by land. However, for inland salt water bodies that are sometimes called 'Sea', see SaltLake. |
| TerritorialSea | TerritorialSea is the class of contiguous waters over which a GeopoliticalArea claims jurisdiction in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the LawOfTheSea (LOS), Part II. A territorial sea may be up to 12 miles (NauticalMiles) in breadth. A subclass of MaritimeClaimArea. |
| Tide | A Tide is a vertical movement of the water level in a BodyOfWater due to the gravitational attraction between Earth and the moon. Tides are diurnally recurrent events. In most regions with tides, every day there are two high tides and two low tides. MixedTide represents a process in which the tides at either extreme are unequal. |