Parents |
BodyPart |
A collection of Cells and Tissues which are localized to a specific area of an Organism and which are not pathological. The instances of this Class range from gross structures to small components of complex Organs.
Children |
AbductorDigitiMinimiMuscle | The AbductorDigitiMinimiMuscle abducts little Finger. |
| AbductorHallucisMuscle | The AbductorHallucisMuscle abducts hallux. |
| AbductorPollicisBrevisMuscle | The AbductorPollicisBrevisMuscle abducts Thumb. |
| AbductorPollicisLongusMuscle | The AbductorPollicisLongusMuscle abducts and extends Thumb. |
| AbductorPollicisMuscle | The AbductorPollicisBrevisMuscle adducts thumb at carpometacarpal joint. |
| AdductorBrevisMuscle | The AdductorBrevisMuscle adducts HipJoint[11]. |
| AdductorHallucisMuscle | The AdductorHallucisMuscle eadducts big Toe. |
| AdductorLongusMuscle | The AdductorLongusMuscle adducts and medially rotates HipJoint[11]. |
| AdductorMagnusMuscle | The AdductorMagnusMuscle adducts HipJoint[11]. |
| AdductorMusclesOfTheHipMuscle | The AdductorMusclesOfTheHipMuscle adducts HipJoint. |
| AlarPartDilatorNarisMuscle | dilates nostrils |
| AnconeusMuscle | The AnconeusMuscle partly blended with triceps, extends forearm, stabilises elbow, abducts ulna during pronation. |
| ArticularisGenusMuscle | The ArticularisGenusMuscle pulls suprapatellar bursa during Extension of Knee. |
| ArytenoidTransverseAndObliqueMuscle | The ArytenoidTransverseAndObliqueMuscle approximates arytenoid cartilages (closes rima glottidis). |
| AuricularisAnteriorMuscle | The AuricularisAnteriorMuscle pulls auricle forwards. |
| AuricularisPosteriorMuscle | The AuricularisPosteriorMuscle pulls auricle backwards. |
| AuricularisSuperiorMuscle | The AuricularisSuperiorMuscle pulls auricle upwards. |
| Bicep | |
| BicepsBrachiiMuscle | The BicepsBrachiiMuscle flexes elbow, supinates forearm. |
| BicepsFemorisMuscle | The BicepsFemorisMuscle flexes knee joint, laterally rotates leg at knee (when knee is flexed), extends hip joint (long head only). |
| BrachialisMuscle | The BrachialisMuscle performs Flexion of elbow. |
| BrachioradialisMuscle | The BrachioradialisMuscle performs Flexion of forearm, pronates forearm when supine, supinates forearm when prone. |
| BuccinatorMuscle | The BuccinatorMuscle compress cheeks against teeth (Tooth) (blowing), mastication (Chewing). |
| BulbospongiosusMuscle | The BulbospongiosusMuscle empties Urethra (men) clenches Vagina (women). |
| CalfMuscle | |
| ChondroglossusMuscle | The ChondroglossusMuscle depresses Tongue (some consider this muscle to be part of hyoglossus). |
| CoccygeusMuscle | The CoccygeusMuscle closes back part of pelvic outlet. |
| CoracobrachialisMuscle | The CoracobrachialisMuscle performs Flexion of and adducts Shoulder. |
| CorrugatorSuperciliiMuscle | The CorrugatorSuperciliiMuscle moves skin of Forehead medially and inferiorly (towards root of Nose). |
| CricoarytenoidLateralMuscle | The CricoarytenoidLateralMuscle adducts and medially rotates cartilage, pulling vocal ligaments towards midline and backwards and so closing rima glottidis. |
| CricoarytenoidPosteriorMuscle | The CricoarytenoidPosteriorMuscle abducts and laterally rotates cartilage, pulling vocal ligaments away from midline and forward and so opening rima glottidis. |
| CricothyroidMuscle | The CricothyroidMuscle tenses and elongates vocal folds (has minor adductory effect). |
| DeepTransversePerinealMuscleMuscle | The DeepTransversePerinealMuscleMuscle constricts urethra (maintains urinary continence), constricts Vagina (women). |
| DeltoidMuscle | The DeltoidMuscle abducts, performs Flexion of, and extends Shoulder. |
| DepressorAnguliOrisMuscle | depresses angle of mouth (smile) |
| DepressorLabiiInferiorisMuscle | The DepressorLabiiInferiorisMuscle depresses lower Lip. |
| DepressorSeptiNasiMuscle | The DepressorSeptiNasiMuscle depresses nasal septum. |
| DepressorSuperciliiMuscle | The DepressorSuperciliiMuscle moves skin of Eyebrows inferiorly. |
| DiaphragmMuscle | The DiaphragmMuscle performs Breathing. |
| DigastricMuscle | The DigastricMuscle opens Jaw when masseter and temporalis are relaxed. |
| DorsalInterosseiMuscle | The DorsalInterosseiMuscle abducts Toes. |
| DorsalInterosseiOfFootMuscle | The DorsalInterosseiOfFootMuscle abducts Toes. |
| ErectorSpinaeMuscle | The ErectorSpinaeMuscle bilateral: extends vertebral column unilateral: laterally flexes vertebral column to same side |
| ExtensorCarpiRadialisBrevisMuscle | The ExtensorCarpiRadialisBrevisMuscle extends Wrist BodyJoint, abducts Hand at Wrist. |
| ExtensorCarpiRadialisLongusMuscle | The ExtensorCarpiRadialisLongusMuscle extends Wrist BodyJoint, abducts Hand at Wrist. |
| ExtensorCarpiUlnarisMuscle | The ExtensorCarpiUlnarisMuscle extends and adducts Wrist. |
| ExtensorDigitiMinimiMuscle | The ExtensorDigitiMinimiMuscle extends little Finger at all BodyJoints. |
| ExtensorDigitorumBrevisMuscle | The ExtensorDigitorumBrevisMuscle extends digits 2, 3, and 4. |
| ExtensorDigitorumLongusMuscle | The ExtensorDigitorumLongusMuscle Extension of Toes and Ankle. |
| ExtensorDigitorumMuscle | The ExtensorDigitorumMuscle extends Hand, extends Fingers. |
| ExtensorHallucisBrevisMuscle | The ExtensorHallucisBrevisMuscle extends big Toe. |
| ExtensorHallucisLongusMuscle | The ExtensorHallucisLongusMuscle extends big Toe, assists in dorsiflexion of Foot at Ankle, weakly inverts Foot. |
| ExtensorIndicisMuscle | The ExtensorIndicisMuscle extends index Finger, Wrist. |
| ExtensorPollicisBrevisMuscle | The ExtensorPollicisBrevisMuscle extends Thumb at metacarpophalangeal BodyJoint. |
| ExtensorPollicisLongusMuscle | The ExtensorPollicisLongusMuscle extends Thumb (metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal). |
| ExternalIntercostalsMuscle | The ExternalIntercostalsMuscle controls inhalation. |
| ExternalObliqueMuscle | The ExternalObliqueMuscle bilateral: flexes trunk, expiration, compresses abdominal organs unilateral: flexes trunk to same side, rotates trunk to opposite side |
| FibularisBrevisMuscle | The FibularisBrevisMuscle plantarflexes and everts Ankle. |
| FibularisLongusMuscle | The FibularisLongusMuscle plantarflexes and everts Ankle. |
| FibularisTertiusMuscle | The FibularisTertiusMuscle dorsi flexes and everts Foot. |
| FingerDorsalInterosseiMuscle | The FingerDorsalInterosseiMuscle abduct Fingers. |
| FingerFlexorDigitiMinimiBrevisMuscle | The FingerFlexorDigitiMinimiBrevisMuscle performs Flexion of little Finger. |
| FlexorCarpiRadialisMuscle | The FlexorCarpiRadialisMuscle performs Flexion of and abducts Wrist. |
| FlexorCarpiUlnarisMuscle | The FlexorCarpiUlnarisMuscle performs Flexion of and adducts Wrist. |
| FlexorDigitiMinimiBrevisMuscle | The FlexorDigitiMinimiBrevisMuscle extends and adducts fifth Toe. |
| FlexorDigitorumBrevisMuscle | The FlexorDigitorumBrevisMuscle performs Flexion of lateral four Toes. |
| FlexorDigitorumLongusMuscle | The FlexorDigitorumLongusMuscle performs Flexion of Toes. |
| FlexorDigitorumProfundusMuscle | The FlexorDigitorumProfundusMuscle flexes wrist, flexes interphalangeal joints. |
| FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisMuscle | The FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisMuscle performs Flexion of Fingers (primarily at proximal interphalangeal BodyJoints). |
| FlexorHallucisBrevisMuscle | The FlexorHallucisBrevisMuscle flexes big Toe. |
| FlexorHallucisLongusMuscle | The FlexorHallucisLongusMuscle performs Flexion of all BodyJoints of big Toe, plantarflexes Ankle. |
| FlexorPollicisBrevisMuscle | The FlexorPollicisBrevisMuscle performs Flexion of Thumb. |
| FlexorPollicisLongusMuscle | The FlexorPollicisLongusMuscle performs Flexion of Thumb. |
| FrontalisMuscle | The FrontalisMuscle wrinkles Eyebrow. |
| GastrocnemiusMuscle | The GastrocnemiusMuscle plantarflexes Ankle, performs Flexion of Knee (minor). |
| GenioglossusMuscle | The GenioglossusMuscle inferior fibers: protrudes tongue middle fibers: depresses tongue, superior fibers: draws tip of tongue back and down. |
| GeniohyoidMuscle | The GeniohyoidMuscle elevates HyoidBone and Tongue upward during swallowing. |
| GluteusMaximusMuscle | The GluteusMaximusMuscle externally rotates and extends HipJoint BodyJoint, supports extended Knee through iliotibial tract, chief antigravity muscle in sitting. |
| GluteusMediusMuscle | The GluteusMediusMuscle abduction of HipJoint; preventing adduction of HipJoint Medial rotation of thigh. |
| GluteusMinimusMuscle | |
| GracilisMuscle | The GracilisMuscle adducts HipJoint, performs Flexion of HipJoint, medially rotates Knee[11]. |
| HamstringMuscle | Any of the three Muscles at the back of and working in opposition to the ThighMuscle. |
| HyoglossusMuscle | The HyoglossusMuscle depresses Tongue. |
| IliacusMuscle | The IliacusMuscle performs Flexion of HipJoint[8]. |
| IliocostalisMuscle | The IliocostalisMuscle bilateral: extends vertebral column unilateral: laterally flexes vertebral column to same side |
| IliopsoasMuscle | The IliopsoasMuscle performs Flexion of HipJoint (psoas major/minor, iliacus), spine rotation (psoas major/minor). |
| InferiorGemellusMuscle | The InferiorGemellusMuscle laterally rotates thigh. |
| InferiorLongitudinalMuscle | The InferiorLongitudinalMuscle shortens Tongue, retracts, pulls tip downward. |
| InferiorObliqueMuscle | The InferiorMuscle extorts, elevates, and abducts eye. |
| InferiorRectusMuscle | The InferiorMuscle depresses and adducts eye. |
| InfraspinatusMuscle | The InfraspinatusMuscle laterally rotates, adducts, and stabilises humerus. |
| InnermostIntercostalsMuscle | The InnermostIntercostalsMuscle elevates Ribs, expiration (Exhaling). |
| IntercostalsMuscle | |
| InternalIntercostalsMuscle | The InternalIntercostalsMuscle holds Ribs steady. |
| InternalObliqueMuscle | The InternalObliqueMuscle bilateral: flexes trunk, expiration, compresses abdominal organs unilateral: flexes trunk to same side, rotates trunk to opposite side |
| InterspinalesMuscle | The InterspinalesMuscle extends, performs Flexion of, and rotates the SpinalColumn. |
| IntertransversariiMuscle | The IntertransversariiMuscle laterally performs Flexion of the trunk. |
| InvoluntaryMuscle | A Muscle that is not under the conscious control of the Animal, such as the Muscles of the Heart. |
| IschiocavernosusMuscle | The IschiocavernosusMuscle assists bulbospongiosus. |
| LateralRectusMuscle | The LateralMuscle abducts eye. |
| LateralRotatorGroupMuscle | The LateralRotatorGroupMuscle laterally rotates HipJoint. |
| LatissimusDorsi | |
| LatissimusDorsiMuscle | The LatissimusDorsiMuscle pulls forelimb dorsally and caudally. |
| LevatorAngulaOrisMuscle | elevates angle of mouth (smile) |
| LevatorAniIliococcygeusMuscle | The LevatorAniIliococcygeusMuscle supports organs in pelvic cavity. |
| LevatorAniPuborectalisMuscle | |
| LevatoresCostarumMuscle | The LevatoresCostarumMuscle assists in elevation of thoracic Rib cage. |
| LevatorLabiiSuperiorisAlaequeNasiMuscle | The LevatorLabiiSuperiorisAlaequeNasiMuscle dilates nostril, elevates upper Lip, elevates wing of Nose. |
| LevatorLabiiSuperiorisMuscle | The LevatorLabiiSuperiorisMuscle elevates upper Lip. |
| LevatorPalpebraeSuperiorisMuscle | The LevatorPalpebraeSuperiorisMuscle retracts and elevates the Eyelid. |
| LevatorScapulaeMuscle | The LevatorScapulaeMuscle elevates ScapulaBone, tilts glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating ScapulaBone. |
| LevatorVeliPalatiniMuscle | The LevatorVeliPalatiniMuscle elevates soft palate. |
| LongissimusCapitisMuscle | The LongissimusCapitisMuscle laterally: flexes head and neck to same side, bilaterally: extends vertebral column. |
| LongissimusMuscle | The LongissimusMuscle bilateral: extends vertebral column unilateral: laterally flexes vertebral column to same side |
| LongusCapitisMuscle | The LongusCapitisMuscle performs Flexion of Neck at atlanto-occipital BodyJoint. |
| LongusColliMuscle | The LongusColliMuscle performs Flexion of Neck and Head. |
| LumbricalMuscle | The LumbricalMuscle flex metacarpophalangeal BodyJoints, extend interphalangeal BodyJoints. |
| LumbricalsMuscle | The LumbricalsMuscle maintain Extension of digits at interphalangeal BodyJoints. |
| MasseterMuscle | The MasseterMuscle elevates and retracts mandible (closes Mouth). |
| MedialRectusMuscle | The MedialMuscle adducts eye. |
| MentalisMuscle | The MentalisMuscle elevates and wrinkles skin of Chin, protrudes lower Lip. |
| MultifidusMuscle | The MultifidusMuscle stabilizes Vertebrae in local movements of the SpinalColumn. |
| MylohyoidMuscle | The MylohyoidMuscle raises oral cavity floor, elevates HyoidBone, depresses mandible. |
| ObliquusCapitisInferiorMuscle | The ObliquusCapitisInferiorMuscle rotates Neck. |
| ObliquusCapitisSuperiorMuscle | The ObliquusCapitisSuperiorMuscle performs Flexion of Head to same side. |
| ObturatorExternusMuscle | The ObturatorExternusMuscle adduct thigh, rotate laterally thigh. |
| ObturatorInternusMuscle | The ObturatorInternusMuscle abducts & rotates laterally thigh, stabilises HipJoint during walking. |
| OccipitalisMuscle | The OccipitalisMuscle retracts scalp. |
| OccipitofrontalisMuscle | The OccipitofrontalisMuscle raises Eyebrows. The occipitofrontalis muscle (epicranius muscle) is a Muscle which covers parts of the skull. It consists of two parts or bellies: the occipital belly, near the occipital bone, and the frontal belly, near the frontal bone. It is supplied by the SupraorbitalArtery, the supratrochlear artery, and the occipital artery. It is innervated by the facial nerve. In humans, the occipitofrontalis helps to create facial expressions.[from Wikipedia] |
| OmohyoidMuscle | The OmohyoidMuscle depresses larynx, depresses and moves to side HyoidBone. |
| OpponensDigitiMinimiMuscle | The OpponensDigitiMinimiMuscle draws 5th metacarpal anteriorly and rotates it, bringing little Finger (5th digit) into opposition with Thumb. |
| OpponensPollicisMuscle | The OpponensPollicisMuscle opposes Thumb. |
| OrbicularisOculiMuscle | The OrbicularisOculiMuscle closes the Eyelid. |
| OrbicularisOrisMuscle | The OrbicularisOrisMuscle puckers Lips. |
| PalatineUvulaMuscle | The PalatineUvulaMuscle moves and changes shape of uvula. |
| PalatoglossusMuscle | The PalatoglossusMuscle aids in Breathing by raising back part of Tongue. |
| PalatopharyngeusMuscle | The PalatopharyngeusMuscle aids in Breathing by pulling pharynx and larynx. |
| PalmarInterosseiMuscle | The PalmarInterosseiMuscle adduct Fingers. |
| PalmarisBrevisMuscle | The PalmarisBrevisMuscle wrinkle skin of palm. |
| PalmarisLongusMuscle | The PalmarisLongusMuscle performs Flexion of Wrist. |
| PectineusMuscle | The PectineusMuscle performs Flexion of and adducts HipJoint[11]. |
| Pectoralis | |
| PectoralisMajorMuscle | The PectoralisMajorMuscle adducts and medially rotates humerus, draws ScapulaBone anteriorly and inferiorly clavicular head: performs Flexion of humerus sternocostal head: extends humerus. |
| PectoralisMinorMuscle | The PectoralisMinorMuscle stabilizes ScapulaBone by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against thoracic wall. |
| PharyngealInferiorMuscle | The PharyngealInferiorMuscle swallowing. |
| PharyngealMiddleMuscle | The PharyngealMiddleMuscle swallowing. |
| PharyngealSuperiorMuscle | The PharyngealSuperiorMuscle swallowing. |
| PiriformisMuscle | The PiriformisMuscle laterally rotates (outward) thigh. |
| PlantarInterosseiMuscle | The PlantarInterosseiMuscle adducts Toes 3 - 5, strengthens transverse arch. |
| PlantarisMuscle | The PlantarisMuscle plantarflexes Ankle, performs Flexion of Knee. |
| PlatysmaMuscle | The PlatysmaMuscle tenses skin of Neck. |
| PopliteusMuscle | The PopliteusMuscle medially rotates and performs Flexion of Knee. |
| ProcerusMuscleMuscle | The ProcerusMuscleMuscle draws down medial angle of Eyebrow (giving expressions of frowning). |
| PronatorQuadratusMuscle | The PronatorQuadratusMuscle weakly pronates forearm. |
| PronatorTeresMuscle | The PronatorTeresMuscle pronates forearm, flexes elbow. |
| PsoasMajorMuscle | The PsoasMajorMuscle performs Flexion of and rotates laterally thigh. |
| PsoasMinorMuscle | The PsoasMinorMuscle weakly performs Flexion of trunk flexor. |
| PterygoidLateralMuscle | The LateralMuscle depresses mandible (opens Mouth). |
| PterygoidMedialMuscle | The PterygoidMedialMuscle elevates mandible, closes Jaw, helps lateral pterygoid in moving jaw from side to side. |
| PuborectalisMuscle | The PuborectalisMuscle inhibits defecation. |
| PyramidalisMuscle | The PyramidalisMuscle tenses linea alba. |
| QuadratusFemorisMuscle | |
| QuadratusLumborumMuscle | The QuadratusLumborumMuscle bilateral: fixes rib 12 during inspiration, extends trunk unilateral: flexes trunk to same side. |
| QuadratusPlantaeMuscle | The QuadratusPlantaeMuscle performs Flexion of distal interphalangeal BodyJoints (assists flexor digitorum longus). |
| QuadricepsFemorisMuscle | The QuadricepsFemorisMuscle extends Knee, performs Flexion of HipJoint (rectus femoris only). |
| RectusAbdominisMuscle | The RectusAbdominisMuscle performs Flexion of the trunk, compresses abdominal Organs, aids in expiration (Exhaling). |
| RectusCapitisAnteriorMuscle | |
| RectusCapitisLateralisMuscle | The RectusCapitisLateralisMuscle side bends at atlanto-occipital BodyJoint. |
| RectusCapitisPosteriorMajorMuscle | The RectusCapitisPosteriorMajorMuscle rotates and extends the Head to same side. |
| RectusCapitisPosteriorMinorMuscle | The RectusCapitisPosteriorMinorMuscle sensory Organ for Neck position, also extends Head at the Neck. |
| RectusFemorisMuscle | The RectusFemorisMuscle Knee Extension; HipJoint flexion. |
| RhomboidMajorMuscle | The RhomboidMajorMuscle retracts ScapulaBone and rotates it to depress glenoid cavity, fixes ScapulaBone to thoracic wall. |
| RhomboidMinorMuscle | The RhomboidMinorMuscle retracts ScapulaBone and rotates it to depress glenoid cavity, fixes ScapulaBone to thoracic wall. |
| RhomboidsMuscle | The RhomboidsMuscle retracts ScapulaBone and rotates it to depress glenoid cavity, fixes ScapulaBone to thoracic wall. |
| RisoriusMuscle | The RisoriusMuscle draw back angle of Mouth. |
| RotatoresMuscle | |
| SalpingopharyngeusMuscle | The SalpingopharyngeusMuscle raises nasopharynx. |
| SartoriusMuscle | The SartoriusMuscle performs Flexion of , laterally rotates, and abducts thigh, performs Flexion of and medially rotates Leg. |
| ScaleneAnteriorMuscle | The ScaleneAnteriorMuscle when Neck is fixed, elevates first Rib to aid in Breathing; when a Rib is fixed, bends the Neck forward and sideways and rotates it to opposite side. |
| ScaleneMediusMuscle | The ScaleneMediusMuscle elevates first Rib, rotates the Neck to opposite side. |
| ScaleneMuscle | The ScaleneMuscle elevates first Rib and second Rib. |
| ScalenePosteriorMuscle | The PosteriorMuscle elevates second Rib, tilts Neck to same side. |
| SemimembranosusMuscle | The SemimembranosusMuscle performs Flexion of Knee, extends HipJoint, medially rotates Leg at Knee[10]. |
| SemispinalisCapitisMuscle | The SemispinalisCapitisMuscle extends the Head. |
| SemispinalisCervicisMuscle | The SemispinalisCervicisMuscle ... |
| SemispinalisThoracisMuscle | The SemispinalisThoracisMuscle ... |
| SemitendinosusMuscle | The SemitendinosusMuscle performs Flexion of Knee, extends HipJoint, medially rotates Leg at Knee[10]. |
| SerratusAnteriorMuscle | The SerratusAnteriorMuscle protracts and stabilises scapula, assists in upward rotation. |
| SerratusPosteriorInferiorMuscle | The SerratusPosteriorInferiorMuscle depresses lower Ribs, aiding in expiration (Exhaling). |
| SerratusPosteriorSuperiorMuscle | The SerratusPosteriorSuperiorMuscle elevates Ribs, aiding in inspiration. |
| ShinMuscle | |
| SoleusMuscle | The SoleusMuscle plantarflexes Ankle. |
| SphincterAniExternusMuscle | The SphincterAniExternusMuscle keeps anal canal and anus closed, aids in expulsion of feces. |
| SphincterAniInternusMuscle | The SphincterAniInternusMuscle keeps anal canal and anus closed, aids in expulsion of feces. |
| SphincterUrethraeMembranaceaeMuscle | The SphincterUrethraeMembranaceaeMuscle constricts urethra, maintains urinary continence. |
| SpinalisMuscle | The SpinalisMuscle bilateral: extends vertebral column unilateral: laterally flexes vertebral column to same side |
| SpleniusCapitisMuscle | The SpleniusCapitisMuscle extends, rotates, and laterally flexes the Head. |
| SpleniusCervicisMuscle | The SpleniusCervicisMuscle ... |
| StapediusMuscle | The StapediusMuscle reduces movement of stapes, controls amplitude of sound waves to inner ear. |
| SternocleidomastoidMuscle | The SternocleidomastoidMuscle acting alone: tilts Head to its own side, rotates Head so Face is turned towards opposite side, acting together: flexes Neck, raises Sternum, assists in forced inspiration. |
| SternohyoidMuscle | The SternohyoidMuscle depresses HyoidBone. |
| SternothyroidMuscle | The SternothyroidMuscle depresses larynx, may slightly depress HyoidBone. |
| StyloglossusMuscle | The StyloglossusMuscle elevates and retracts Tongue. |
| StylohyoidMuscle | The StylohyoidMuscle elevates HyoidBone during swallowing. |
| StylopharyngeusMuscle | The StylopharyngeusMuscle elevates larynx, elevates pharynx, swallowing. |
| SubclaviusMuscle | The SubclaviusMuscle depresses clavicle. |
| SubcostalesMuscle | |
| SubscapularisMuscle | The SubscapularisMuscle medially rotates humerus, stabilizes Shoulder. |
| SuperficialTransversePerinealMuscle | The SuperficialTransversePerinealMuscle constricts Urethra (maintains urinary continence), constricts Vagina (women). |
| SuperiorGemellusMuscle | |
| SuperiorLongitudinalMuscle | The SuperiorLongitudinalMuscle shortens Tongue, turns tip upward, turns lateral margins upward. |
| SuperiorObliqueMuscle | The SuperiorMuscle intorts, abducts, and depress eye. |
| SuperiorRectusMuscle | The SuperiorMuscle elevates, adducts, and medially rotates eye. |
| SuperiorTarsalMuscle | The SuperiorTarsalMuscle raises upper eyelid. |
| SupinatorMuscle | The SupinatorMuscle supinates forearm. |
| SupraspinatusMuscle | The SupraspinatusMuscle abducts and stabilises humerus. |
| TemporalisMuscle | The TemporalisMuscle elevates and retracts mandible (closes Mouth). |
| TemporoparietalisMuscle | |
| TensorFasciaeLataeMuscle | The TensorFasciaeLataeMuscle performs Flexion of thigh, medially rotates thigh, stabilises torso. |
| TensorTympaniMuscle | The TensorTympaniMuscle tenses tympanic membrane, controls amplitude of sound waves to inner ear. |
| TensorVeliPalatiniMuscle | The TensorVeliPalatiniMuscle tenses soft palate, aids in swallowing. |
| TeresMajorMuscle | The TeresMajorMuscle internally rotates humerus. |
| TeresMinorMuscle | The TeresMinorMuscle laterally rotates and adducts humerus. |
| ThighMuscle | |
| ThyroarytenoidMuscle | The ThyroarytenoidMuscle thickens and decreases length of vocal folds, adducts during speech. |
| ThyrohyoidMuscle | The ThyrohyoidMuscle depress HyoidBone. |
| TibialisAnteriorMuscle | The TibialisAnteriorMuscle dorsiflexes and inverts Foot. |
| TibialisPosteriorMuscle | The TibialisPosteriorMuscle inverts Foot, plantarflexes Foot at Ankle. |
| TransversePartCompressorNarisMuscle | compresses nostrils |
| TransversospinalesMuscle | The TransversospinalesMuscle bilateral: extends vertebral column unilateral: rotates vertebral column. |
| TransversusAbdominis | The TransversusAbdominis bilateral: compresses abdominal organs, expiration unilateral: rotates trunk to same side |
| TransversusMuscle | The TransversusMuscle narrows Tongue with no elongation. |
| TransversusThoracisMuscle | The TransversusThoracisMuscle depresses Ribs. |
| TrapeziusMuscle | The TrapeziusMuscle retracts and elevates scapula. |
| Tricep | |
| TricepsBrachiiMuscle | The TricepsBrachiiMuscle extends forearm long head: adducts shoulder medial head: does not function at shoulder. |
| TricepsSuraeMuscle | The TricepsSuraeMuscle plantarflexes Ankle. |
| VastusIntermediusMuscle | The VastusIntermediusMuscle extends Knee. |
| VastusLateralisMuscle | The VastusLateralisMuscle extends Knee. |
| VastusMedialisMuscle | The VastusMedialisMuscle extends Knee. |
| VerticalisMuscle | |
| VoluntaryMuscle | A Muscle that is under the conscious control of the Animal, such as the ThighMuscle or DeltoidMuscle. |
| ZygomaticMajorMuscle | The ZygomaticMajorMuscle draws angle of Mouth upward and laterally. |
| ZygomaticMinorMuscle | |