Parents |
Plant |
An Organism having cellulose cell walls, growing by synthesis of Substances, generally distinguished by the presence of chlorophyll, and lacking the power of locomotion.
Children |
Cactus | The word Cactus derives, through Latin, from Greek Kaktos, a name for spiny plant. Most Cacti live in habitats subject to at least some drought. Almost all cacti are succulents. Areoles are structures unique to cacti. (Reference wikipedia) |
| HerbaceousPlant | HerbaceousPlants are vascular plants that have no woody stems above ground. |
| Succulent | Succulents are Drought resistant Plants in which their Plantleaf and PlantStem contain water_storing Tissue. |
| Vine | A Vine is the class of FloweringPlant which can be woody or herbaceous. They grow by climbing on another object with their Scandent stems,Lianas or runners.[Wikipedia] |
| WoodyPlant | A WoodyPlant is a Plant that produce Wood as its tructure tissue and thus has a hard stem. They may be divided into three groups: trees, shrubs and vines. |