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Sigma KEE - IntentionalProcess
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Processo Intencional
A Process that has a specific purpose for the AutonomousAgent who performs it.
Parents Processo The class of things that happen and have temporal parts or stages. Examples include extended events like a football match or a race, actions like Pursuing and Reading, and biological processes. The formal definition is: anything that occurs in time but is not an Object. Note that a Process may have participants 'inside' it which are Objects, such as the players in a football match. In a 4D ontology, a Process is something whose spatiotemporal extent is thought of as dividing into temporal stages roughly perpendicular to the time-axis.
Children AmbulatingAny BodyMotion which is accomplished by means of the legs of an Animal for the purpose of moving from one point to another.
 CeremonyAn instance of Ceremony is a relatively stylized, highly conventional SocialInteraction, typically guided or controlled by officials or professionals, to commemorate or mark some transformative event, such as a Wedding or a Baptizing.
 CommentingCommenting is an IntentionalProcess where an AutonomousAgent speaks about a Process it is Looking at.
 Desenvolvimento de ConteudoA subclass of IntentionalProcess in which content is modified, its form is altered or it is created anew.
 CriminalActionAny IntentionalProcess that violates a Law.
 DeployingWeaponOfMassDestructionPositioning a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon for the purpose of bringing about harm of some kind.
 DesigningThe spatial analogue of Planning. Designing a Collection of Objects involves determining a placement of the Objects with respect to one another and perhaps other Objects as well, in order to satisfy a particular purpose.
 DiggingAny Process of removing or turning over the Soil.
 DismantlingWeaponOfMassDestructionDismantling a Weapon of Mass Destruction, i.e. destroying the weapon or removing it from active deployment.
 DodgingPurposely moving one's body in such a way as to avoid being hit by something.
 DrillingAny Process of producing a hole in a SelfConnectedObject which involves rotating a long, thin bit.
 DuckingPurposely moving one's body downward in such a way as to avoid being hit by something.
 EngineersSubprocessa class of subprocesses that are needed to design and operate an engineering system
 EvacuationEmergency evacuation is the movement of persons from a dangerous place due to the threat or occurrence of a disastrous event (see also Evacuation). Examples are the evacuation of a building due to a bomb threat or fire and the evacuation of a district because of a flood or bombardment or an evacuation from a city due to a Hurricane. In situations involving hazardous materials or possible contamination, evacuees may be decontaminated prior to being transported out of the contaminated area. (from Wikipedia)
 GuiarAny IntentionalProcess where the agent tries to direct the behavior of another Object, whether an AutonomousAgent or not.
 Processo Psicologico IntencionalAn IntentionalProcess is a process that can be realized entirely within the mind or brain of an Organism. Thus,for example, Reasoning is a subclass of IntentionalPsychologicalProcess, because one can reason simply by exercising one's mind/brain. On the other hand, RecreationOrExercise is not a subclass of IntentionalPsychologicalProcess, because many instances of RecreationOrExercise necessarily have subProcesses of BodyMotion.
 InvestigacaoThe class of IntentionalPsychologicalProcesses where the agent attempts to obtain information (i.e. a Proposition denoted by a Formula).
 ITProcessA process performed on a computer by a human operator.
 ManterThe Class of Processes where the agent keeps something in a particular location for an extended period of time.
 ListeningAny instance of Hearing which is intentional.
 ListOnSiteAn IntentionalProcess meant to represent the actions taken to initially list a Weblisting on a WebSite. There exists a TimeInterval before the processes occurred where the patient WebListing was not hostedOn the WebSite and a TimeInterval after which it does. The TimePoint marking the end of when the site is not hosted is the same as the end of the process (i.e. when WebListing began to be listed.
 LookingAny instance of Seeing which is intentional.
 PreservarThe Class of Processes where the agent cares for or maintains the Object.
 FazerThe subclass of Creation in which an individual Artifact or a type of Artifact is made.
 ManobraAn intentional move or play within a Contest. In many cases, a Maneuver is a realization of part of a strategy for winning the Contest, but it also may be just an arbitrary or semi-arbitrary division of the overarching Contest, e.g. innings in a baseball game.
 ModelingA creative process of creating a model.
 Processo OrganizacionalAn IntentionalProcess that involves an Organization.
 CutucarThe Class of Processes where the agent pierces the surface of the Object with an instrument.
 PunchingAny instance of Impelling where the instrument is a Fist of the agent.
 PerseguirThe class of IntentionalProcesses where something is sought. Some examples would be hunting, shopping, trawling, and stalking.
 Recreacao ou ExercicioA Process that is carried out for the purpose of recreation or exercise. Since RecreationOrExercise is a subclass of IntentionalProcess, the intent of a process determines whether or not it is an instance of the class. Hence, if John and Bill watch the same program on television, and John watches it to relax while Bill watches it solely to satisfy an educational requirement, then John's watching the movie is an instance of RecreationOrExercise, while Bill's is not (both cases of watching the television program would however be in the class of Seeing, since being an instance of this latter class is not determined by intention).
 ConsertarThe Class of Processes where the agent makes a modification or series of modifications to an Object that is not functioning as intended so that it works properly.
 Interacao SocialThe subclass of IntentionalProcess that involves interactions between CognitiveAgents.
 NadarAny deliberate and controlled BodyMotion through water that is accomplished by an Organism.
 TillingAny Process of Digging, e.g. breaking and turning over Soil that facilitates Agriculture.
 UserActionA UserAction is an action taken by a ComputerUser in interacting with a ComputerProcess.
 WorkLeaveA temporary leave from Working. Note that this is disjoint from being Unemployed.

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