Parents |
GovernmentOrganization |
GovernmentOrganization is the class of official Organizations that are concerned with the government of a GeopoliticalArea at some level. They may be a subOrganization of a government.
MilitaryForce |
MilitaryForce is the subclass of Organizations that are organized along military lines and for the purpose of either defensive or offensive combat, whether or not the force is an official GovernmentOrganization.
Children |
AirForce_BranchOfService | |
| ExternalAgency | Some external agancy involved with the Military, say CIA, NSA and the like (my own idea!). |
| FleetMarineForce | The UnitedStates Fleet Marine Forces (FMF) are combined general- and special_purpose forces within the United States Department of the Navy_BranchOfService that perform offensive amphibious or expeditionary warfare and defensive maritime employment. The Fleet Marine Forces provide the National Command Authority (NCA) with a responsive force that can conduct operations in any spectrum of conflict around the globe.[from Wikipedia] |
| JointForces | A general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned or attached, of two or more Military Departments operating under a single joint force commander. See also joint force commander. |
| MarinesBranchOfService | Modern nation_states' marine units (the whole branch of service) and not a subdivision thereof. |
| MilitaryReserveForce | MilitaryReserveForce is the subclass of MilitaryOrganizations that consist of forces trained in military procedures and activities, which are subject to being called to active duty if needed. |
| MilitaryService | A branch of the armed forces of a Nation. For example, there are five military services in the United States, the army, the navy, the air force, the marines, and the coast guard. |
| MilitaryUnit | Any MilitaryOrganization that can be dispatched to an area of operations. |
| NavalAirForceBranchOfService | Modern nation_states' naval air forces (the whole branch of service) and not a subdivision thereof. |
| NavyBranchOfService | MilitaryOrganizations that are sea forces. |
| PeaceKeepingMission | A military deployment which is intended to prevent hostilities between two other entities located in the same rough geographic area. |
| SpecialOperationsForces | Those Active and Reserve Component forces of the Military Services designated by the Secretary of Defense and specifically organized, trained, and equipped to conduct and support special operations. Also called SOF. See also Air Force special operations forces, Army special operations forces, naval special warfare forces. |