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GeographicArea |
A geographic location, generally having definite boundaries. Note that this differs from its immediate superclass Region in that a GeographicArea is a three_dimensional Region of the earth. Accordingly, all astronomical objects other than earth and all one_dimensional and two_dimensional Regions are not classed under GeographicArea.
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Anchorage | Anchorage is the subclass of WaterAreas where WaterVehicle may anchor with some shelter or safety. Anchorages may be inside a Harbor or offshore. |
| BodyOfWater | A BodyOfWater is a connected body of water with established boundaries marked by either geographical features or conventional borders. |
| FreshWaterArea | A WaterArea whose Water is not saline, e.g. most rivers and lakes. |
| Harbor | Harbor is the subclass of WaterAreas that provide shelter and anchorage for WaterVehicle. |
| HydropowerWaterArea | HydropowerWaterArea is the class of WaterAreas with waterflow strength adequate for the production of hydropower. |
| InlandWaterSystem | An instance of InlandWaterSystem comprises two or more lakes or rivers, canals, or other waterways that are interconnected. |
| RiverMouth | RiverMouth is the subclass of WaterAreas that are the outfalls of a river or stream into another body of water. |
| RiverSystem | A RiverSystem comprises all the tributary streams and rivers (StreamWaterAreas) that drain along converging paths into the main river of the system, which discharges into a StaticWaterArea. |
| SaltWaterArea | A WaterArea whose Water is saline, e.g. oceans and seas. |
| ShipBerth | ShipBerth is the class of areas where a Ship may be moored, whether at an Anchorage or dock. |
| StaticWaterArea | A WaterArea in which water does not flow constantly or in the same direction, e.g. most lakes and ponds. |
| StreamWaterArea | A relatively narrow WaterArea where the water flows constantly and in the same direction, e.g. a river, a stream, etc. |
| StreamWaterConfluence | A StreamWaterConfluence is the place where a stream or other tributary joins a river. |
| SurfZone | The WaterArea off the Shoreline where waves break. |
| WaterCurrent | WaterCurrent is a subclass of FlowRegions consisting of moving water, especially those currents found within a well_identified area and having an established pattern of movement, such as an OceanCurrent, a RipTide, or a River. WaterCurrent is disjoint with StaticWaterArea. As a consequence, Lakes for example cannot be FlowRegions, however, currents may be present in a lake. |
| Waterway | Waterway is the class of navigable waters, including Oceans, SeaLanes, Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and inland bodies of water. |