Parents |
physique |
An entity that has a location in space-time. Note that locations are themselves understood to have a location in space-time.
Children |
AddToCart | A Process where the patient was not a member of the agent's webcart collection before the EndFn of the AddToCart, but is afterward. This proccess signifies that the agent desires there to be a buying in which the item which is the patient and the agent is also the agent of the buying. |
| AgentPatientProcess | Instances of AgentPatientProcess have at least one agent and at least one patient. Unlike instances of IntentionalProcess, the agent need not be a CognitiveAgent. Cf. other high-level subclasses of Process, such as DualObjectProcess, InternalChange, and Motion. |
| BreakingRecord | A Process where the AutonomousAgent takes a specific CaseRole in a Process of a specific Class which no other AutonomousAgent of the same Class had undertaken in the same CaseRole in a specific TimeInterval preceeding the moment when the record was broken and in a specific Region. BreakingRecord refers to a Quantity which refers to the Process Class. |
| CausingHappiness | Any Process whose result is that the patient of the process is happy. |
| CausingUnhappiness | Any Process whose result is that the patient of the process is unhappy. |
| Checkout | The final subProcess of a Buying - i.e. there does not exist any subProcess of the Buying of which the Checkout is a subProcess that where the Checkout occurs earier. |
| ContentBearingProcess | Any Process, for example ManualHumanLanguage, which may contain a Proposition. |
| processus requ�rant deux patients | Any Process that requires two, nonidentical patients. |
| processus intentionnel | A Process that has a specific purpose for the AutonomousAgent who performs it. |
| changement interne | Processes which involve altering an internal property of an Object, e.g. the shape of the Object, its coloring, its structure, etc. Processes that are not instances of this class include changes that only affect the relationship to other objects, e.g. changes in spatial or temporal location. |
| LargeGroupProcess | Any Process involving more than 10 Agents. |
| d�palcement | Any Process of movement. |
| NaturalProcess | A Process that take place in nature spontanously. |
| PowerGeneration | PowerGeneration is the class of Processes in which some kind of power is generated either for immediate use in a Device or to be stored for future use. |
| SingleAgentProcess | SingleAgentProcess is the Class of all Processes that require exactly one agent in order to occur. |
| WatchItem | A Process where the patient was not a member of the agent's watchingListings collection before the EndFn of the WatchItem, but is afterward. This proccess signifies that the Object which is the patient of the WatchItem is inScopeOfInterest for the agent. |