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Sigma KEE - BodyMotion
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mouvement du corps
Any Motion where the agent is an Organism and the patient is a BodyPart.
Parents d�palcement Any Process of movement.
Children AmbulatingAny BodyMotion which is accomplished by means of the legs of an Animal for the purpose of moving from one point to another.
 BlinkingBlinking is a rapid Closing and Opening of the Eye done by the Eyelid.
 ChewingBreaking up or mashing Food with one's teeth.
 CrawlingA form of locomotion where a Bipedal animal changes location in part by use of the arms or hands on the ground. This covers a baby crawling on all fours, or a soldier dragging his lower body along pulled from the elbows in order to stay low and less visible. It does not however cover a dog walking on its front and rear legs because it's a normally quadripedal animal.
 dancerAny BodyMotion of Humans which is deliberately coordinated with music.
 DismountingAny BodyMotion which results in not being On something else.
 DodgingPurposely moving one's body in such a way as to avoid being hit by something.
 DuckingPurposely moving one's body downward in such a way as to avoid being hit by something.
 ExtensionExtension is the opposite of flexion, describing a straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts. For example, when standing up, the knees are extended. When a joint can move forward and backward, such as the neck and trunk, extension is movement in the posterior direction. Extension of the hip or shoulder moves the arm or leg backward. Even for other upper extremity joints - elbow and wrist, posterior movement of the distal segment results in extension. Except for knee, ankle, and wrist, where the distal end has to move in the anterior direction for it to be called extension. Hyperextension is any extension that goes beyond 180 degrees and becomes reflexive.[from Wikipedia]
 EyeMotionAny Motion where a patient is the agent's own Eyelid or Eyelids.
 FlexionFlexion describes a bending movement that decreases the angle between a segment and its proximal segment. For example, bending the elbow, or clenching a hand into a fist, are examples of flexion. When a person is sitting down, the knees are flexed. When a joint can move forward and backward, such as the neck and trunk, flexion is movement in the anterior direction. When the chin is against the chest, the head is flexed, and the trunk is flexed when a person leans forward. Flexion of the shoulder or hip is movement of the arm or leg forward.[from Wikipedia]
 GestureAny BodyMotion, e.g. a hand wave, a nod of the head, a smile, which is also an instance of Communication.
 HeartBeatA cycle of the Heart undergoing MuscularContract and then a MuscleRelaxing to pump Blood and then fill with blood to be ready for the next contraction.
 IncliningMoving one's body downward from a vertical position. Note that this class covers cases of leaning forward, as well as those of reclining backwards.
 IndicatingPointing out a person, place or thing with one's hand or with an Artifact.
 JumpingAny MotionUpward which is done by one's body and which results in a situation where one's feet are unsupported.
 KneelingDownThe act of assuming the BodyPosition of resting one's weight on one's Knees.
 LyingDownThe BodyMotion of moving from a Sitting to a Prostrate position.
 MountingAny BodyMotion which results in being On something else.
 MuscleRelaxingThe Process of a Muscle being deactivated or relaxing and lengthening.
 MuscularContractionThe Process of a Muscle being activated by a NerveCell and shortening.
 ScratchingScratching is a rhythmic rubbing of the body with a sharp object or other part of the body, such as a claw or nail. During a scratch reflex, a nearby limb reaches toward and rubs against the site on the body surface that has been stimulated. Despite decades of research, key aspects of the scratch reflex are still unknown, such as the neural mechanisms by which the reflex is terminated.[from Wikipedia]
 ShruggingMoving the Shoulders in such a way that the motion is intended to express something to someone else.
 SittingDownThe BodyMotion of moving from a Standing to a Sitting position.
 SomersaultingAny BodyMotion which begins and ends in a Sitting position and where the feet roll over the head and return to their original position.
 StandingUpThe BodyMotion of moving from a Sitting to a Standing position.
 SteppingThe BodyMotion of extending one foot forward and then bringing the other foot to the same lateral position as the first leg.
 SwallowingA BodyMotion where an Object is subject to Ingesting, passing from the Mouth through the Esophagus to the Stomach.
 nagerAny deliberate and controlled BodyMotion through water that is accomplished by an Organism.
 ThrowingAny instance of Impelling where the instrument is an Arm.
 TremblingAny BodyMotion which is involuntary and which is repeated many times over a short time frame, e.g. a tremor in the hands, shivering etc.

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