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Sigma KEE - Artery
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Any BloodVessel which transfers Blood from the Heart to the extremities of the body. Note that there can be some variability between members of the same species in the branching of some particular arteries they have.
Parents BloodVessel Any BodyVessel which is used to circulate Blood from one part of the body to another.
Children AbdominalAortaIn human anatomy, the abdominal aorta is the largest Artery in the abdominal cavity. As part of the aorta, it is a direct continuation of the descending aorta (of the thorax).[from Wikipedia]
 AcromialArteryacromial artery
 AfferentArterioleafferent arteriole
 AnteriorAuricularBranchArteryanterior auricular branch artery
 AnteriorHumeralCircumflexArteryanterior humeral circumflex artery
 AnteriorIliacArteryDivisionanterior iliac artery division
 AnteriorInterosseousArteryanterior interosseous artery
 AnteriorInterventricularArteryanterior interventricular artery
 AnteriorInterventricularDiagonalArteryanterior interventricular diagonal artery
 AnteriorInterventricularSeptalArteryanterior interventricular septal artery
 AnteriorLateralMalleolarArteryanterior lateral malleolar artery
 AnteriorMedialMalleolarArteryanterior medial malleolar artery
 AnteriorSpinalArteryanterior spinal artery
 AnteriorTibialArteryanterior tibial artery
 AnteriorTibialRecurrentArteryanterior tibial recurrent artery
 AnteriorUlnarRecurrentArteryanterior ulnar recurrent artery
 AnterolateralCentralArteryanterolateral central artery
 AorticArchThe aortic arch, arch of the aorta, or transverse aortic arch is the part of the aorta between the ascending and descending aorta. The arch travels backward, so that it ultimately runs to the left of the Trachea.[from Wikipedia]
 ArcuateArteryarcuate artery
 AscendingAortaascending aorta
 AscendingPharyngealArteryascending pharyngeal artery
 AxillaryArteryaxillary artery
 BasilarArterybasilar artery
 BrachialArterybrachial artery
 BrachiocephalicArteryThe brachiocephalic artery (or brachiocephalic trunk) is an artery of the mediastinum that supplies blood to the right Arm and the Head and Neck. It was previously known as the innominate artery, meaning unnamed artery. It is the first branch of the aortic arch. Soon after it emerges, the brachiocephalic artery divides into the right common carotid artery and the right subclavian artery. There is no brachiocephalic artery for the left side of the body. The left common carotid, and the left subclavian artery, come directly off the aortic arch. However, there are two brachiocephalic veins.[from Wikipedia]
 BranchArteryToSurfaceOfTheFemurAndTheKneeJointbranch artery to surface of the femur and the knee joint
 BranchesToTheDeltoidMuscleArterybranches to the deltoid muscle artery
 BranchToAbdominalMusclesArterybranch to abdominal muscles artery
 BranchToDiaphragmArterybranch to diaphragm artery
 BranchToLowerPartOfThePericardiumArterybranch to lower part of the pericardium artery
 BranchToPopliteusArterybranch to popliteus artery
 BranchToVastusMedialisArterybranch to vastus medialis artery
 BranchToVolarCarpalNetworkArterybranch to volar carpal network artery
 BronchialArterybronchial artery
 BuhlersAnastomoticArterybuhlers anastomotic artery
 CarotidArterycarotid artery
 CeliacArteryceliac artery
 CerebellarArterycerebellar artery
 CerebralArterycerebral artery
 CervicalArterycervical artery
 CircumflexArterycircumflex artery
 ClavicularArteryclavicular artery
 CommonHepaticArterycommon hepatic artery
 CommonIliacArterycommon iliac artery
 CommonInterosseousArterycommon interosseous artery
 CommunicatingBranchToTheAnteriorTibialArterycommunicating branch to the anterior tibial artery
 CostocervicalTrunkArterycostocervical trunk artery
 CricothyroidArterycricothyroid artery
 CysticArterycystic artery
 DeepCervicalArterydeep cervical artery
 DeepCircumflexIliacArterydeep circumflex iliac artery
 DeepExternalPudendalArterydeep external pudendal artery
 DeepFemoralArterydeep femoral artery
 DeepPalmarArchArterydeep palmar arch artery
 DeepVolarArterydeep volar artery
 DeltoidArterydeltoid artery
 DescendingGenicularArterydescending genicular artery
 DescendingVasaRectaArterydescending vasa recta artery
 DorsalCarpalArchArterydorsal carpal arch artery
 DorsalCarpalArterydorsal carpal artery
 DorsalCarpalBranchOfRadialArterydorsal carpal branch of radial artery
 DorsalisPedisArterydorsalis pedis artery
 DorsalPancreaticArterydorsal pancreatic artery
 EfferentArterioleefferent arteriole
 EsophagealArteryesophageal artery
 ExternalCarotidArteryexternal carotid artery
 ExternalCarotidTerminalFirstPortionArteryexternal carotid terminal first portion artery
 ExternalCarotidTerminalSecondPortionArteryexternal carotid terminal second portion artery
 ExternalCarotidTerminalThirdPortionArteryexternal carotid terminal third portion artery
 ExternalIliacArteryexternal iliac artery
 ExternalStriateArteryexternal striate artery
 FacialArteryfacial artery
 FemoralArteryfemoral artery
 FibularArteryfibular artery
 FirstAndSecondPosteriorIntercostalArteryfirst and second posterior intercostal artery
 FirstDorsalMetacarpalArteryfirst dorsal metacarpal artery
 FirstPerforatingArteryfirst perforating artery
 GastricArterygastric artery
 GastroduodenalArterygastroduodenal artery
 GonadalArterygonadal artery
 HepaticBranchArteryhepatic branch artery
 HyoidArteryhyoid artery
 IleocolicArteryileocolic artery
 InferiorEpigastricArteryinferior epigastric artery
 InferiorMesentericArteryinferior mesenteric artery
 InferiorPancreaticoduodenalArteryinferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
 InferiorPhrenicArteryinferior phrenic artery
 InferiorThyroidArteryinferior thyroid artery
 InferiorUlnarCollateralArteryinferior ulnar collateral artery
 InferiorUlnarCollateralAscendingBranchArteryinferior ulnar collateral ascending branch artery
 InferiorUlnarCollateralDescendingBranchArteryinferior ulnar collateral descending branch artery
 IntercostalBranchArteryintercostal branch artery
 InterlobarArteryinterlobar artery
 InterlobularArteryinterlobular artery
 InternalCarotidArteryinternal carotid artery
 InternalIliacArteryinternal iliac artery
 InternalStriateArteryinternal striate artery
 InternalThoracicArteryinternal thoracic artery
 InterosseousRecurrentArteryinterosseous recurrent artery
 IntestinalArteryintestinal artery
 LabyrinthineArterylabyrinthine artery
 LateralFemoralCircumflexArterylateral femoral circumflex artery
 LateralFemoralCircumflexAscendingBranchArterylateral femoral circumflex ascending branch artery
 LateralFemoralCircumflexDescendingBranchArterylateral femoral circumflex descending branch artery
 LateralFemoralCircumflexTransverseBranchArterylateral femoral circumflex transverse branch artery
 LateralInferiorGenicularArterylateral inferior genicular artery
 LateralPlantarArterylateral plantar artery
 LateralSuperiorGenicularArterylateral superior genicular artery
 LateralSuperiorGenicularDeepBranchArterylateral superior genicular deep branch artery
 LateralSuperiorGenicularSuperficialBranchArterylateral superior genicular superficial branch artery
 LateralThoracicArterylateral thoracic artery
 LeftColicArteryleft colic artery
 LeftColicAscendingArteryBranchleft colic ascending artery branch
 LeftColicDescendingArteryBranchleft colic descending artery branch
 LeftCoronaryArteryThe left coronary artery (LCA) (also known as the left main coronary artery, or left main stem coronary artery) is a coronary artery that arises from the aorta above the left cusp of the aortic valve, and supplies blood to the left side of the heart muscle. The left coronary artery typically runs for 10-25 mm, then bifurcates into the left anterior descending artery, and the left circumflex artery. The part that is between the aorta and the bifurcation only is known as the left main artery (LM), while the term 'LCA' might refer to just the left main, or to the left main and all its eventual branches.[from Wikipedia]
 LeftGastroOmentalArteryleft gastro omental artery
 LeftHepaticArteryleft hepatic artery
 LeftMarginalArteryleft marginal artery
 LeftSubclavianArteryIn human anatomy, the subclavian arteries are paired major arteries of the upper thorax, below the clavicle. They receive blood from the aortic arch. The left subclavian artery supplies blood to the left arm and the right subclavian artery supplies blood to the right arm, with some branches supplying the head and thorax. On the left side of the body, the subclavian comes directly off the aortic arch, while on the right side it arises from the relatively short brachiocephalic artery when it bifurcates into the subclavian and the right common carotid artery. The usual branches of the subclavian on both sides of the body are the vertebral artery, the internal thoracic artery, the thyrocervical trunk, the costocervical trunk and the dorsal scapular artery, which may branch off the transverse cervical artery, which is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk. The subclavian becomes the axillary artery at the lateral border of the first rib.[from Wikipedia]
 LingualArterylingual artery
 Lower3rdTo11thPosteriorIntercostalArterylower3rd to11th posterior intercostal artery
 LowerBranchesOfTheSpaceAnastomosesArterylower branches of the space anastomoses artery
 LumbarArterylumbar artery
 MaxillaryArterymaxillary artery
 MedialCollateralArterymedial collateral artery
 MedialFemoralCircumflexArterymedial femoral circumflex artery
 MedialFemoralCircumflexAscendingBranchArterymedial femoral circumflex ascending branch artery
 MedialFemoralCircumflexDescendingAcetabularBranchArterymedial femoral circumflex descending acetabular branch artery
 MedialFemoralCircumflexDescendingBranchArterymedial femoral circumflex descending branch artery
 MedialFemoralCircumflexDescendingDeepBranchArterymedial femoral circumflex descending deep branch artery
 MedialFemoralCircumflexDescendingSuperficialBranchArterymedial femoral circumflex descending superficial branch artery
 MedialInferiorGenicularArterymedial inferior genicular artery
 MedialPlantarArterymedial plantar artery
 MedialSuperiorGenicularArterymedial superior genicular artery
 MedianSacralArterymedian sacral artery
 MediastinalBranchArterymediastinal branch artery
 MeningealBranchOfVertebralArterymeningeal branch of vertebral artery
 MiddleColicArterymiddle colic artery
 MiddleGenicularArterymiddle genicular artery
 MiddleSuprarenalArterymiddle suprarenal artery
 MiddleTemporalArterymiddle temporal artery
 MuscularBranchArterymuscular branch artery
 MuscularUlnarArterymuscular ulnar artery
 MusculoArticularBranchArterymusculo articular branch artery
 MusculophrenicArterymusculophrenic artery
 NutrientArteriesOfRadiusAndUlnanutrient arteries of radius and ulna
 OccipitalArteryoccipital artery
 OcularGroupArteryocular group artery
 OesophagealBranchArteryoesophageal branch artery
 OphthalmicArteryophthalmic artery
 OrbitalGroupArteryorbital group artery
 PalmarCarpalArchArterypalmar carpal arch artery
 PalmarCarpalBranchOfRadialArterypalmar carpal branch of radial artery
 PectoralArterypectoral artery
 PerforatingArteryperforating artery
 PerforatingBranchArteryperforating branch artery
 PerforatingBranchToThePosteriorTibialArteryperforating branch to the posterior tibial artery
 PericardiophrenicArterypericardiophrenic artery
 PeritubularCapillaryperitubular capillary
 PontineBranchArterypontine branch artery
 PoplitealArterypopliteal artery
 PosteriorAuricularArteryposterior auricular artery
 PosteriorCommunicatingArteryposterior communicating artery
 PosteriorDivisionIliacArteryposterior division iliac artery
 PosteriorHumeralCircumflexArteryposterior humeral circumflex artery
 PosteriorInterosseousArteryposterior interosseous artery
 PosteriorInterventricularArteryposterior interventricular artery
 PosteriorSpinalArteryposterior spinal artery
 PosteriorSpinalAscendingBranchArteryposterior spinal ascending branch artery
 PosteriorSpinalDescendingBranchArteryposterior spinal descending branch artery
 PosteriorTibialArteryposterior tibial artery
 PosteriorUlnarRecurrentArteryposterior ulnar recurrent artery
 PosterolateralArteryposterolateral artery
 PostTibialRecurrentArterypost tibial recurrent artery
 PrincepsPollicisArteryprinceps pollicis artery
 ProfundaBrachiiArteryprofunda brachii artery
 ProperHepaticArteryproper hepatic artery
 PulmonaryArteryAn Artery that carries Blood from the Heart to a Lung.
 RadialArteryradial artery
 RadialBranchArteryInTheHandradial branch artery in the hand
 RadialBranchAtTheWristArteryradial branch at the wrist artery
 RadialBranchesInTheForearmradial branches in the forearm
 RadialCollateralArteryradial collateral artery
 RadialisIndicisArteryradialis indicis artery
 RadialRecurrentArteryradial recurrent artery
 RamusIntermediusramus intermedius
 RenalArteryrenal artery
 RightColicArteryright colic artery
 RightCoronaryArteryIn the blood supply of the heart, the right coronary artery (RCA) is an artery originating above the right cusp of the aortic valve, at the right aortic sinus in the Heart. It travels down the right coronary sulcus, towards the crux of the heart. It gives off many branches, including the sinoatrial nodal artery, right marginal artery, posterior interventricular artery, conus artery, and atrioventricular nodal branch. It contributes the right side of the heart, and parts of the interventricular septum.[from Wikipedia]
 RightGastroOmentalArteryright gastro omental artery
 RightHepaticArteryright hepatic artery
 RightMarginalArteryright marginal artery
 RightSubclavianArteryright subclavian artery
 SANodalArterys a nodal artery
 SaphenousBranchArterysaphenous branch artery
 SecondPerforatingArterysecond perforating artery
 ShortGastricArteryshort gastric artery
 SigmoidArterysigmoid artery
 SixAnteriorIntercostalBranchArterysix anterior intercostal branch artery
 SplenicArterysplenic artery
 SternalBranchArterysternal branch artery
 SternocleidomastoidArterysternocleidomastoid artery
 SubcostalArterysubcostal artery
 SubscapularArterysubscapular artery
 SuperficialCircumflexIliacArterysuperficial circumflex iliac artery
 SuperficialEpigastricArterysuperficial epigastric artery
 SuperficialExternalPudendalArterysuperficial external pudendal artery
 SuperficialPalmarBranchOfTheRadialArterysuperficial palmar branch of the radial artery
 SuperficialTemporalArterysuperficial temporal artery
 SuperficialTemporalFrontalBranchArterysuperficial temporal frontal branch artery
 SuperficialTemporalParietalBranchArterysuperficial temporal parietal branch artery
 SuperficialVolarArchArterysuperficial volar arch artery
 SuperiorEpigastricArterysuperior epigastric artery
 SuperiorLaryngealArterysuperior laryngeal artery
 SuperiorMesentericArterysuperior mesenteric artery
 SuperiorPancreaticoduodenalArterysuperior pancreaticoduodenal artery
 SuperiorPhrenicArterysuperior phrenic artery
 SuperiorRectalArterysuperior rectal artery
 SuperiorThoracicArterysuperior thoracic artery
 SuperiorThyroidArterysuperior thyroid artery
 SuperiorUlnarCollateralArterysuperior ulnar collateral artery
 SuprascapularArterysuprascapular artery
 SupremeIntercostalArterysupreme intercostal artery
 SuralArterysural artery
 ThirdOrFourthPerforatingArterythird or fourth perforating artery
 ThoracicAortaThe thoracic aorta is a part of the aorta located in the thorax. It is a continuation of the aortic arch. It is located within the posterior mediastinal cavity, but frequently bulges into the left pleural cavity. The descending thoracic aorta begins at the lower border of the fourth thoracic vertebra and ends in front of the lower border of the twelfth thoracic vertebra, at the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm where it becomes the abdominal aorta. At its commencement, it is situated on the left of the vertebral column; it approaches the median line as it descends; and, at its termination, lies directly in front of the column. The thoracic aorta has a curved shape that faces forward, and has small branches. It has a radius of approximately 1.16 cm.[from Wikipedia]
 ThoracoacromialArterythoracoacromial artery
 ThymicBranchesArterythymic branches artery
 ThyrocervicalTrunkArterythyrocervical trunk artery
 TransverseCervicalArterytransverse cervical artery
 TransverseCervicalDeepBranchDorsalScapularArterytransverse cervical deep branch dorsal scapular artery
 TransverseCervicalSuperficialBranchArterytransverse cervical superficial branch artery
 TransverseFacialArterytransverse facial artery
 UlnarArteryulnar artery
 UpperBranchIntercostalArteryupper branch intercostal artery
 VertebralArteryvertebral artery
 VolarCarpalArteryvolar carpal artery

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