Parents |
attribute |
Qualities which we cannot or choose not to reify into subclasses of.
Children |
account security type | The type of security protocol used to log in to an account. This can refer to a modality like a fingerprint or iris scan requirement, or a broader description like two-factor authentication. |
| airport classification | AirportClassification is a class of Attributes for representing systems that categorize Airports according to some criteria. There are several such systems, including the International Civil Aviation Organization categories A to E, based on runway lengths, the Federal Aviation Administration system associated with airport functions, and the airport categorization by runway length used in the CIA World Fact Book. |
| album attribute | AlbumAttribute is used to describe the contents of an Album |
| area of concern | AreaOfConcern is a subclass of Attributes that represent and classify the kinds of interests that agents have. |
| AVPU status | The AVPU scale (an acronym from 'alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive') is a system by which a health care professional can measure and record a patient's level of consciousness. It is mostly used in emergency medicine protocols, and within first aid. It is a simplification of the Glasgow Coma Scale, which assesses a patient response in three measures: eyes, voice and motor skills. The AVPU scale should be assessed using these three identifiable traits, looking for the best response of each [from Wikipedia] |
| bed attribute | BedAttribute is the class of attributes attached to the type of cushion a Bed has |
| coffee grind attribute | CoffeeGrindAttribute is a Class of RelationalAttribute used to describe the particle size of the CoffeeGrind. |
| coffee roast attribute | CoffeeRoastAttribute is a Class of RelationalAttribute used to describe the degree of Heating the CoffeeBeans are subjected to. |
| computer status | An attribute which describes status of the Computer, such as HostDown, HostReady. |
| conservation status | The conservation status of a group of organisms (for instance, a species) indicates whether the group still exists and how likely the group is to become extinct in the near future. [Wikipedia] |
| cuisine | Cuisine is an attribute applied to classes of PreparedFood to specify that it is typical of a particular region or culture. Note that it cannot be applied to a single Animal or Plant, even if a particular such entity is endemic to a particular region. It captures not just the reality of a particular combination of ingredients, but also the intent of the preparer to conform to a particular style of food and food preparation. |
| economic role | A Class of RelationalAttributes that specify the EconomicRole of a Object or Process in the economy. |
| environment software attribute | The class of attributes which correspond to environment variables. Environment variables are defined outside of a ComputerProgram, unlike ordinary variables that are defined in the source code of the ComputerProgram. Typically, the environment variable stores some value that many if not all ComputerProgams will need when they execute. An example is the environment variable PATH under Unix-like operating systems that stores the ComputerDirectories where executable ComputerPrograms can be found. Another example is the environment variable CLASSPATH for Java programs, which stores the directory where Java class files can be found that will be needed by any ComputerProgram written in Java. |
| financial account status | A class of four attributes indicating the status of a financial account, viz. ActiveAccount, LockedAccount, NewAccount or PendingAccount. |
| financial rating | The highest rating is usually AAA-Rating, and the lowest is D-Rating. |
| Gram stain | |
| hotel level attribute | HotelLevelAttribute are attributes that describe certain BuildingLevels in a HotelBuilding |
| hotel room attribute | HotelRoomAttribute gives descriptions about HotelUnit |
| industry attribute | IndustryAttribute is a class of Attributes which identify an Organization as belonging to a particular industry type. For example, the company Hallmark has the attribute GreetingCardPublishers. |
| investment attribute | |
| land vegetation attribute | LandVegetationAttribute is a suclass of RelationalAttribute which describe the relation between density of vegetation and the Land on which is grown. |
| legal agent | A LegalAgent is an Attribute of an AutonomousAgent that is allowed by law to to act and be treated as a legal person for certain purposes, such as being a party to a lawsuit, owning property, and entering into a contract. Typically, a LegalAgent is either an adult Human or some type of Organization. Depending on the prevailing legal system in a given time and location, Humans in general, as well as other CognitiveAgents, typically will have additional legal rights and obligations beyond those accorded to LegalAgents. See the Wikipedia description of Juristic person. |
| legal system attribute | LegalSystemAttribute is the class of Attributes that are used to characterize legal systems, as, e.g., according to their sources, areas of concern, or principles of organization. |
| liquidity attribute | A class of attributes which describe the degree to which accounts can be easily converted to cash. |
| measurement attribute | An Attribute that indicates what about a particular object is being measured. This is most commonly used for LengthMeasures, where it would not otherwise be clear as to whether the measure applied to the objects width, height, diagonal etc. |
| member status | MemberStatus is the class of RelationalAttributes that represent the different kinds of status that may be held in various organizations. Included in this class are membership types for InternationalOrganizations covered by the CIA World Fact Book. |
| music genre | MusicGenre is a categorical construct that identifies musical sound as belonging to a particular category that can be distinguished from other types of music. They are attributes instead of subclasses of Music as the classification of a song to a particular genre is oftentimes arbitrary, as well as the fact that there are very closely related genres that oftentime overlap. It is applied to a MusicRecording instead of Music as a piece of Music can be reinterpreted as a different genre by different artists. |
| normative attribute | A Class containing all of the Attributes that are specific to morality, legality, aesthetics, etiquette, etc. Many of these attributes express a judgement that something ought or ought not to be the case. |
| perceptual attribute | Any Attribute whose presence is detected by an act of Perception. |
| plant attribute | PlantAttribute is a class of RelationalAttributes relating a Plant and how it is used. |
| politico economic attribute | Any Attribute of a Government which specifies some aspect of the political or economic system of the Government. |
| positional attribute | Attributes characterizing the orientation of an Object, e.g. Vertical versus Horizontal, Left versus Right etc. |
| prepared food attribute | PreparedFoodAttribute is a Class of RelationalAttributes which describe the status in the food it is related. Members of this class include if the food is cooked or raw, cured/fermented, caffineated or decaf etc.. |
| priority attribute | A class of attributes which describe priorities of ComputationalSystems. |
| process status | A class of attributes. Each instance of ProcessStatus describes a status of a Process, such as ProcessFailure, ProcessSuccess, etc. |
| realtime system attribute | The class of Attributes which describe instances of the class RealtimeSystem. |
| recording attribute | RecordingAttribute refers to RelationalAttributes that describe the conditions that a Recording was recorded under. |
| religious attribute | An Attribute indicating the membership of a Human in a BeliefGroup. Note that various attributes indicating kinds of lack of belief in a religion are InternalAttributes, since they do not depend on relation to a particular group. |
| risk attribute | A class of attributes which describe the degree of risk of a particular investment. |
| service attribute | The class of attributes which describe CommercialServices, such as OpenService and ClosedService. |
| size attribute | SizeAttribute refers to attributes that pertain to the measure of some Object |
| social role | The Class of all Attributes that specify the position or status of a CognitiveAgent within an Organization or other Group. |
| software attribute | The class of all attributes that are specific to SoftwareSystems. |
| speed scale attribute | SpeedScaleAttribute is a class of Attributes for indicating the speed of a Motion |
| time zone | An Attribute which is used to specify coordinates in which time measures are uniform, i.e. all time devices are synchronized to the same TimePositions. |
| truth value | The Class of truth values, e.g. True and False. These are Attributes of Sentences and Propositions. |
| yield attribute | A class of attributes which describe the degree to which accounts are profitable. |