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region |
A topographic location. Regions encompass surfaces of Objects, imaginary places, and GeographicAreas. Note that a Region is the only kind of Object which can be located at itself. Note too that Region is not a subclass of SelfConnectedObject, because some Regions, e.g. archipelagos, have parts which are not connected with one another.
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air stream | AirStream is the class of FlowRegions that consist of air. |
| stream water area | A relatively narrow WaterArea where the water flows constantly and in the same direction, e.g. a river, a stream, etc. |
| tide | A Tide is a vertical movement of the water level in a BodyOfWater due to the gravitational attraction between Earth and the moon. Tides are diurnally recurrent events. In most regions with tides, every day there are two high tides and two low tides. MixedTide represents a process in which the tides at either extreme are unequal. |
| water current | WaterCurrent is a subclass of FlowRegions consisting of moving water, especially those currents found within a well-identified area and having an established pattern of movement, such as an OceanCurrent, a RipTide, or a River. WaterCurrent is disjoint with StaticWaterArea. As a consequence, Lakes for example cannot be FlowRegions, however, currents may be present in a lake. |