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Sigma KEE - BacterialAgent
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bacterial agent
BiologicalAgents that are instances of Bacterium.
Parents bacterium A small, typically one-celled, prokaryotic Microorganism.
  toxic organism The Class of Organisms which are poisonous to other Organisms.
Children bacillus anthracisThe Bacterium which causes the disease Anthrax. Humans may become infected with Anthrax via contamination of a wound or by inhaling the Bacterium. When it is inhaled, the disease is often fatal if not treated early (see InhalationalAnthrax).
 bacillus cereusA Bacterium that is closely related to and often found near BacillusAnthracis, the Bacterium that causes Anthrax. BacillusCereus causes two forms of food poisoning, one characterized by diarrhea and the other by vomiting. In most cases the disease is not life-threatening.
 bordetella pertussisThe Bacterium that causes Pertussis.
 brucella bacteriumThe Bacterium which is responsible for the disease Brucellosis. This class covers Brucella Abortus (which infects humans and cattle), Brucella Melitensis (which infects sheep, goats, and humans), and Brucella Suis (which infects pigs).
 burkholderia malleiThe Bacterium that causes the disease Glanders. It is transmitted to humans by direct contact with infected animals. The bacteria enter the body through the skin and the mucosal surfaces of the eyes and nose.
 burkholderia pseudomalleiFormerly known as Pseudomonas Pseudomallei, this is the Bacterium that causes Melioidosis.
 chlamydia psittaciThe Bacterium that causes Psittacosis.
 clostridium botulinumThe Bacterium that produces BotulinumToxin.
 clostridium perfringensBacterium often found in the intestines of Animals. Ingesting this Bacterium can result in Perfringens food poisoning, which can attack internal organs and lead to gangrene.
 clostridium tetaniThe Bacterium that causes the disease Tetanus.
 corynebacterium diphtheriaeThe Bacterium that secretes a Toxin that causes Diphtheria.
 escherichia coli0157 h7One of hundreds of strains of the Escherichia Coli Bacterium. This strain lives in the intestines of healthy cattle, but it can cause severe illness when ingested by humans.
 francisella tularensisThe Bacterium that causes the disease Tularemia. Also known as Pasturella Tularensis. The Bacterium has two strains, Jellison type A (F. tularensis biovar tularensis) and type B strains (F tularensis biovar palaearctica), and it is infectious with a dose as small as 50 cells per milliliter.
 giardia lambliaA Bacterium that causes Gastroenteritis. It is present in many streams and lakes, and it is carried by beavers and other animals.
 legionellaThe Bacterium that causes Legionellosis, which is known as LegionnairesDisease (when it infects the lungs) and PontiacFever (when it doesn't affect the lungs).
 mycobacterium tuberculosisThe Bacterium that causes Tuberculosis.
 neisseria gonorrhoeaeThe Bacterium that causes Gonorrhea.
 rickettsial agentBiologicalAgents that are rickettsial organisms, i.e. gram-negative bacteria that infect mammals and arthropods.
 salmonella partyphiCauses a less severe illness than SalmonellaTyphimurium.
 salmonella typhiThe Bacterium that causes TyphoidFever.
 salmonella typhimuriumA bacterium that can cause death in young, elderly or immunodeficient people. It appears in the stool of infected people.
 serratia marcenscensA Bacterium that can cause death in infected Humans.
 shigella dysenteriaeCauses severe dysentery (even when as little as 100 bacteria are ingested). This form of dysentery results in death in 10-20 percent of infections.
 staphylococcus aureusA bacterium that secretes StaphylococcalEnterotoxicB. It causes chills, headache, muscle pain, coughing (which may last for weeks), and sudden fever of up to 106 degrees (which may last for days). It occasionally causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
 streptococcus aThe Bacterium that causes strep throat, scarlet fever, and necrotizing faciitis (flesh-eating bacteria).
 vibrio choleraThe Bacterium that is responsible for Cholera.
 yersinia pestisThe Bacterium that causes Plague.
 yersinia pseudotuberculosisCauses a disease whose symptoms include diarrhea, fever, headache, skin ulcers, and post-infectious arthritis.

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