Parents |
AnatomicalStructure |
A normal or pathological part of the anatomy or structural organization of an Organism. This class covers BodyParts, as well as structures that are given off by Organisms, e.g. ReproductiveBodies.
Children |
Abdomen | The part of the body between the chest and the pelvis. |
| Alveolus | Tiny sacs in the Lung which absorb Oxygen which is delivered to them by the BronchialDucts. |
| AnimalShell | A hard shell of calcium that serves as a supporting structure for some Invertebrates. |
| BloodCell | A Cell that is normally present in Blood. |
| BloodVessel | Any BodyVessel which is used to circulate Blood from one part of the body to another. |
| Brain | The seat of the central nervous system. |
| Breast | The paired Organs which are part of the chests of Primates. |
| BronchialDuct | Any BodyVessel which is located in a Lung and which carries oxygen from the trachea to the alveoli. |
| Chest | The part of the Torso that includes the rib cage of an Animal, surrounding the Heart and Lungs. |
| Chin | A part of the Face which protrudes slightly and which is lower than all other parts of the Face. |
| DigitAppendage | Any of the extremities of Limbs that are found in the higer Vertebrates and the Amphibians. |
| Ear | The Organ of Hearing. |
| Egg | The fertilized or unfertilized female ReproductiveBody of an Animal. This includes Bird and Reptile eggs, as well as mammalian ova. |
| Exoskeleton | The system of Bones that are on the Outside of an organism and make up the supporting structure of many Invertebrates. |
| Eye | The Organ of sight. |
| Face | The part of the Head from forehead to chin and from ear to ear. |
| Feather | Each instance of this class is one of the structures that make up the external covering of Birds. |
| Foot | The lower part of a Limb, the part which makes contact with the ground in locomotion of the Animal. |
| GastroIntestinalTract | The digestive path of an Animal, consisting of the Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines and Rectum. |
| Gills | A respiratory organ of Fish. Its function is to furnish the blood with oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide. |
| Hair | A filament that covers part of the body of many Mammals. |
| Hand | The grasping, fingered part of an upper limb of a Primate. |
| Head | The part of the body containing the sense organs and the brain. |
| Heart | The Organ that pumps Blood throughout the body. |
| Hoof | The hard end of the Foot of a HoofedMammal. |
| Hypothalamus | The part of the Brain lying below the thalamus that serves to regulate AutonomicProcesses. |
| Intestine | A BodyVessel which connects the Stomach to the anus and which is used in digesting Food. |
| Kidney | An Organ that separates Urine from other BodySubstances and passes it to the Bladder. |
| Limb | Any of the limbs of a Vertebrate. Animal Appendages with joints that are used for movement and grasping. |
| Lip | Folds of Tissue surrounding the mouths of some Vertebrates. |
| Liver | An Organ that secretes bile and serves metabolic functions. |
| Lung | A respiratory organ of Vertebrates. Its function is to furnish the blood with oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide. |
| Mouth | Part of the Face, used for Ingesting Food and Vocalizing. |
| NailDigit | Any of the horny structures which are found on the DigitAppendages of Primates and other Animals. This includes fingernails and toenails. |
| Neck | The part of the body that connects the Head to the rest of the body. |
| NerveCell | The Cells that make up a NervousSystem. |
| NervousSystem | A system in Vertebrates that is made up of the Brain, the spinal cord, nerves, etc. |
| Nose | The Organ of Smelling. |
| Nostril | Either of two BodyVessels that run through the Nose and connect it to the Throat. |
| Pericardium | The pericardium, also called pericardial sac, is a double-walled sac containing the Heart and the roots of the great vessels. It has two layers, an outer layer made of strong connective Tissue (fibrous pericardium), and an inner layer made of serous membrane (serous pericardium). It encloses the pericardial cavity, which contains pericardial fluid, and defines the middle mediastinum. It separates the heart from interference of other structures, protects it against infection and blunt trauma, and lubricates the heart's movements.[from Wikipedia] |
| Rectum | The rectum is part of the GastroIntestinalTract, which is the path that Food takes from the Mouth to the Anus. |
| RespiratoryTract | A BodyVessel the path taken by Air through the Nose or Mouth then the Trachea, to the Lungs of a Mammal. |
| Retina | A membrane that covers the Eye and converts the image formed by the lens of the Eye into neurochemical impulses which can be processed by the Brain. |
| RibCage | The Ribs and sternum that form the Chest. |
| Shoulder | The part of a Primate between the Arm and the neck. |
| Skeleton | The system of Bones that make up the supporting structure of Vertebrates. |
| Skin | A BodyCovering that comprises part of the surface of Animals. |
| SpinalColumn | A flexible column made out of bones called vertebrae. The main function of the SpinalColumn is to protect the spinal cord. |
| Spleen | An Organ on the left side of the body that produces Cells that play a crucial role in immune response. |
| Stomach | A muscular sac that is the principal organ of digestion. |
| Tail | A BodyPart which extends from the rear of the main body of some Vertebrates. |
| Throat | A BodyVessel which connects the Mouth to the lungs and stomach. |
| Toe | The five extremities of a Foot. |
| Tongue | Part of the Mouth, used for Tasting Food, Vocalizing, and the initial stage of Digesting. |
| Torso | The body of a Primate excluding its Limbs. |