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Sigma KEE - LandArea
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这是一处主要是坚实地面组成的地区,例如: Nation、山、 沙漠等等。注:LandArea 有可能包含相对小范围的 WaterArea。例如:澳大利亚是一处 LandArea,虽然它也 有各种各样的河流和湖泊。
Parents 地理区域 A geographic location, generally having definite boundaries. Note that this differs from its immediate superclass Region in that a GeographicArea is a three-dimensional Region of the earth. Accordingly, all astronomical objects other than earth and all one-dimensional and two-dimensional Regions are not classed under GeographicArea.
Children 耕地ArableLand is the subclass of LandArea that represents land in cultivation with crops that are replanted after each harvest, e.g., wheat and rice.
 营地A LandArea whose purpose is to have MobileResidences (e.g. recreational vehicles, mobile homes, Tents, etc.) located there.
 公墓A LandArea which is used for burying the dead.
 城市A LandArea of relatively small size, inhabited by a community of people, and having some sort of political structure. Note that this class includes both large cities and small settlements like towns, villages, hamlets, etc.
 城市街区A square-shaped area surrounded by Roadways which is part of a City and typically contains Buildings.
 大陆As defined in the CIA World Fact Book, Continent covers seven land masses: Africa, NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica, Antarctica, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Note that Australia, counted as a continent in some other systems, is included in Oceania in the Fact Book. As a consequence, there is no Nation which is also a Continent.
 A GeopoliticalArea that is larger than a city, usually encompassing several cities, and smaller than a StateOrProvince. Aside from City, this is the smallest geopolitical subdivision, and it is known by various names in various countries, e.g. parrish, commune, etc.
 耕地面积A LandArea which is dedicated to Agriculture, e.g. Lawns, gardens, and fields for growing crops.
 沙漠Desert is a subclass of LandAreas that are arid regions having sparse or no vegetation.
 领域A LandArea that has been cleared of BotanicalTrees. Note that a Field is not necessarily used for the cultivation of crops and that a Field may be very small, e.g. Lawn is a subclass of Field.
 森林Forest is the class of large LandAreas that are covered by trees and associated undergrowth, either growing wild or managed for the purpose of timber production.
 草原Grassland is the class of LandAreas where the predominant vegetation is some kind of grass.
 灌溉土地IrrigatedLand is the subclass of LandArea representing land whose water supply is artificially supplied or supplemented.
 A LandArea that is completely surrounded by a WaterArea.
 地峡An Isthmus is a narrow strip of land that connects two larger land masses and is bordered on two sides by water.
 丛林Jungle is a subclass of fertile LandAreas that are overgrown with tropical vegetation.
 内陆地区LandlockedArea is the class of LandAreas that lack access to an Ocean or to a Waterway providing a link to the ocean.
 陆地过境通道LandTransitway is the subclass of Transitway that represents areas intended for motion over the ground.
 国家The broadest GeopoliticalArea, i.e. Nations are GeopoliticalAreas that are not part of any other overarching and comprehensive governance structure (excepting commonwealths and other sorts of loose international organizations).
 绿洲Oasis is a subclass of LandAreas that are fertile places within a desert, which have water and some vegetation.
 公园A LandArea which is intended to be used for recreation and/or exercise.
 永久性耕地PermanentCropLand is the subclass of LandArea that represents land cultivated for crops that are produced without replanting after every harvest, such as fruit trees, coffee, rubber, nuts, and vineyards. Does not include timberland. Cf. arableLandArea.
 山前A Piedmont is a LandArea at the foot of mountains.
 岸区A ShoreArea is a LandArea approximately 1-3 km wide bordering a body of water, such as an ocean, bay, river, or lake. A ShoreArea may comprise a variety of LandForms, such as dunes, sloughs, and marshes.
 海岸线Shoreline is the class of LandAreas that are the edge of a larger land mass abutting a bordering WaterArea.
 州或省Administrative subdivisions of a Nation that are broader than any other political subdivisions that may exist. This Class includes the states of the United States, as well as the provinces of Canada and European countries.
 分水岭A WatershedDivide is a summit area, or narrow tract of higher ground that constitutes the watershed boundary between two adjacent drainage basins, it divides the surface waters that flow naturally in one direction from those that flow in the opposite direction.

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