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Sigma KEE - CatalanValencianBalearLanguage
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The CatalanValencianBalearLanguage is an EastIberianLanguage of Spain. SIL code: CLN. ISO 639-1: ca. ISO 639-2: cat. Population: 6,472,828 mother tongue speakers (1996), plus 5,000,000 second or third language speakers in Spain (1994 La Generalitat de Catalunya). Population total all countries 6,565,000 or more. Including second language users: 10,000,000 (1999 WA). Region: Northeastern Spain, around Barcelona, Catalonia, Valencia Provinces, Balearic Islands, region of Carche, Murcia Province. Menorquin is on Menorca. Pallarese, a subdialect of Northwestern Catalan, is in Pallars. Ribagorcan, another subdialect extends from the Valley of Aran to the south of Tamarit, and from the Noguera Ribagorcana to the border with Aragonese. Also spoken in Algeria, Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela. Alternate names: CATALA, CATALAN, BACAVES, CATALONIAN. Dialects: CATALAN-ROUSILLONESE (NORTHERN CATALAN), VALENCIAN (VALENCIANO, VALENCIA), BALEARIC (BALEAR, INSULAR CATALAN, MALLORQUI, MENORQUI, EIVISSENC), CENTRAL CATALAN, ALGHERESE, NORTHWESTERN CATALAN (PALLARESE, RIBAGORCAN, LLEIDATA, AIGUAVIVAN). Comments: The standard variety is a literary composite which no one speaks, based on several dialects. Pallarese and Ribogorcan dialects are less similar to standard Catalan. Benasquese and Aiguavivan people live in isolated valleys and have a distinct phonology from their neighbors. Tortosin may be closer to Valencian. Central Catalan has about 90% to 95% inherent intelligibility to speakers of Valencian (R.A. Hall, Jr., 1989). Written Catalan is closest to Barcelona speech. Central Catalan has 87% lexical similarity with Italian, 85% with Portuguese and Spanish, 76% with Rheto-Romance, 75% with Sardinian, 73% with Rumanian. Bilingualism in Spanish, French, Italian, Sard, Occitan. All domains. All ages. Official language. Dictionary. Grammar. Literacy rate in first language: 60%. Literacy rate in second language: 96%. The high literacy in Catalan (60%) is recent. Pallarese and Ribogorcan speakers have less education, less contact with the standard, and live in high valleys of the Pyrenees. Some Valencian speakers desire separate literature. Radio programs, TV. Christian, secular. Bible 1478-1993. Also spoken in: Andorra. (Language name: CATALAN-VALENCIAN-BALEAR. Population: 31,000 in Andorra (1990), 61% of the population (1990). Alternate names: CATALA, CATALAN, BACAVES. Comments: National language. Literacy rate in first language: 75% to 100%. Literacy rate in second language: 75% to 100%. Christian. Bible 1478-1993. Also spoken in: France. (Language name: CATALAN-VALENCIAN-BALEAR.) Population: 100,000 in France (1996). Comments: Population given above may be the ethnic group, not mother tongue speakers. Bible 1478-1993. Also spoken in: Italy. (Language name: CATALAN-VALENCIAN-BALEAR. Population: 20,000 in Alghero (1996). Dialects: ALGHERESE. Comments: Italian or Logudorese Sardinian are used as second language by many. Bible 1478-1993. See main entry under Spain.(extract from
InstancesContentBearingPhysicalAny Object or Process that expresses content. This covers Objects that contain a Proposition, such as a book, as well as ManualSignLanguage, which may similarly contain a Proposition.
 EastIberianLanguageOf the 17 IberoRomanceLanguages, one of these is classified as an EastIberianLanguage.(extract from
 EntidadeThe universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.
 GalloIberianLanguageOf the 32 WesternRomanceLanguages, 30 of these are classified as a GalloIberianLanguage.(extract from
 Linguagem HumanaThe subclass of Languages used by Humans.
 IberoRomanceLanguageOf the 30 GalloIberianLanguages, 17 of these are classified as an IberoRomanceLanguage.(extract from
 IndoEuropeanLanguageThere are 433 languages categorized as an IndoEuropeanLanguage, forming a major family of the world's languages and including many of the most familiar languages of Europe and South Asia.(extract from
 ItalicLanguageAn ItalicLanguage is any of 48 closely related IndoEuropeanLanguages spoken in Europe.(extract from
 ItaloWesternRomanceLanguageOf the 47 RomanceLanguages, 38 of these are classified as an ItaloWesternRomanceLanguage.(extract from
 LinguagemA system of signs for expressing thought. The system can be either natural or artificial, i.e. something that emerges gradually as a cultural artifact or something that is intentionally created by a person or group of people.
 LanguageFamilyA LanguageFamily is group of SpokenHumanLanguages related through descent from a common ancestral language. (reference from
 Expressao LinguisticaThis is the subclass of ContentBearingPhysical which are language-related. Note that this Class encompasses both Language and the the elements of Languages, e.g. Words.
 Linguagem NaturalThe subclass of HumanLanguages which are not designed and which evolve from generation to generation. This Class includes all of the national languages, e.g. English, Spanish, Japanese, etc. Note that this class includes dialects of natural languages.
 FisicoAn entity that has a location in space-time. Note that locations are themselves understood to have a location in space-time.
 RomanceLanguageOf the 48 ItalicLanguages, 47 of these are classified as a RomanceLanguage.(extract from
 WesternRomanceLanguageOf the 38 ItaloWesternRomanceLanguages, 32 of these are classified as a WesternRomanceLanguage.(extract from
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