The TobaMaskoyLanguage is a MascoianLanguage of Paraguay. SIL code: TMF. ISO 639-2: sai. Population: 2,500 (1991 SIL). Region: Reserve of 30,000 hectares near Puerto Victoria and Puerto Guarani, eastern Chaco. Alternate names: TOBA OF PARAGUAY, QUILYILHRAYROM, CABANATIT, MACHICUI, ENENLHIT. Comments: Men 40 years and older speak Paraguayan Guarani, others use it as second language, and it is used as the church language. They are reported to speak a 'poor' variety of Paraguayan Guarani. Young people speak Toba-Maskoy and learn some Spanish in school. Different from Toba Qom, Toba-Pilaga of Argentina, Maskoy of Paraguay, or Maskoy Pidgin.(extract from