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Sigma KEE - AmericanSignLanguage
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AmericanSignLanguage is a DeafSignLanguage of the UnitedStates. SIL code: ASE. ISO 639-2: sgn. Population: 100,000 to 500,000 primary users (1986 Gallaudet U.) out of nearly 2,000,000 profoundly deaf persons in USA (1988), 0.8% of the USA population. 15,000,000 hard of hearing persons in the USA (1989 Sacks). Population total all countries 100,000 to 500,000. Region: Also used in varying degrees in Canada, Philippines, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Kenya, Madagascar, Benin, Togo, Zimbabwe, Singapore, China (Hong Kong). Also spoken in Canada, Guatemala. Alternate names: ASL, AMESLAN, THE LANGUAGE OF THE DEAF. Dialects: BLACK AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE, TACTILE SIGN LANGUAGE. Comments: Black American Sign Language developed in segregated schools in the south. It contains much sign vocabulary not in ASL and some different grammatical structure. Tactile Sign Language is used by over 900 persons in Louisiana who know ASL, but have lost their sight from a generic cause: Usher's Syndrome. They communicate by touch on each other's wrists. Some have migrated to Seattle. Some have learned Braille. ASL has 43% lexical similarity with French Sign Language in an 872-word list. Sign language interpreters provided in court, for college students, at important public events, in job training, at social services programs, in mental health service programs, some instruction for parents of deaf children, many sign language classes for hearing people. There is an organization for sign language teachers. Many hearing people are learning ASL as second language. Reported to be the third largest language in the USA (1993 Honolulu Advertiser). Used since 1817. ASL is different from 'English on the Hands' (Signed English, Siglish). There are several systems of manually coded English, including different ones in different countries. Also several systems called Pidgin Signed English. Pidgin Signed English is taught in schools in the USA rather than ASL. Investigation needed: intelligibility with Black American Sign Language. Dictionary. SOV, prepositions, genitives, articles, adjectives, numerals, relatives before noun heads, question word initial. The average deaf person graduates from high school with 3rd or 4th grade reading level in English. TV, videos. Bible portions 1982-1996. Also used in: Canada (Language name AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE, Alternate names: ASL, AMESLAN). Comments: Dialect differences with USA ASL, and regional differences in Canada from east to west. Structurally and grammatically distinct from Quebec Sign Language (LSQ). Has grammatical characteristics independent of English. A few adults know both ASL and LSQ. Most signers from eastern 'Canada use ASL with some British Sign Language vocabulary, a remnant from Maritime Sign Language, which came from British Sign Language. Sign language interpreters are required for deaf people in court. Used for deaf college students, important public functions, job training, social service programs, sign language instruction for parents of deaf children, classes for hearing people, organization for sign language teachers, committee on national sign language. Manual alphabet. Dictionary. TV, videos. Bible portions 1982-1987. Also used in: Guatemala (Language name: AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE, Alternate names: ASL, AMESLAN). Comments: There may be other sign languages besides ASL. Dictionary. Videos. Bible portions 1982-1987.(extract from
Instances内容承载物理任何能表达内容的 ObjectProcess 。这包括有 PropositionObject ,像一本书和同样有 PropositionManualSignLanguage。
 聋人手语A DeafSignLanguage is a ManualHumanLanguage primarily intended for communication between a deaf individual and a hearing individual or between deaf individuals.(extract from
 实体The universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.
 人类语言这是 Human 所用 Languagesubclass
 语言这是表达思想的符号系统。这系统可以是自然或是人工的,也就是 说是一种逐渐形成的文化产品,或者是由一个人或一群人所故意创造的。
 语言式表达这是 ContentBearingPhysical 和语言有关联的子类本。 注:这个 Class 涵盖 Language 和属于 Language 的元素,例如 Words 。
 手动人类语言 ManualHumanLanguage 是一种用手势和动作 来表达的 HumanLanguage , 例如像手的形状、位置和动作等。
 物理存在时空中某位置的个体。注:位置本身应理解为,存在于某个时空 的位置。
Belongs to Class 实体

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