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Sigma KEE - TetumPrasaLanguage
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The TetumPrasaLanguage is a TetunBasedCreoleLanguage of TimorLorosae. SIL code: TDT. ISO 639-2: crp. Population: 50,000 (?) (1995). Region: First language speakers concentrated in and around Dili on the north coast of Timor Lorosae. Fluent second language speakers scattered widely throughout the western 2/3 of Timor Lorosae. Alternate names: TETUM PRACA, DILI TETUM, TETUM DILI. Comments: Speakers of North and South Tetun [TTM] have significant difficulty understanding it in many speech domains, and vice versa. Some first language speakers of Tetum Prasa consider themselves to be bilingual in Tetun because of contact, but when pressed, admit there are domains in which communication is completely blocked. There are important differences with Tetun in parts of the grammar, morphology, functors, and much of the lexicon. There is heavy influence of Portuguese and some Indonesian or Malay loans in Tetum Prasa. Growing in its role as a language of wider communication, functioning as a symbol of inter-ethnic solidarity in the region, predominantly in urban areas. There are 3 second-language varieties spoken by different people: (1) fluent Tetum Prasa spoken throughout the western 2/3 of Timor Lorosae, primarily by those who have lived in Dili for one or more years, (2) occasional Dili residents with significant influence from their own local mother tongues, and (3) people originally from Timor Lorosae who are overseas residents in Portugal or Australia, with higher portion of inflected Portuguese vocabulary and almost complete lack of Indonesian or Malay loans. There is also 'Tetum Ibadat' or 'liturgical Tetum' which is not spoken by anyone for everyday communication, nor as mother tongue, with a lot of vocabulary and some grammar that is not understood widely. Cultural rituals and themes in Tetun are not as deeply rooted in Tetum Prasa. Heavy Portuguese and Mambae influence. Language of wider communication. Compared to Tetun: many more Portuguese loan words, does not inflect V-initial verb roots for person or number, uses more periphrastic constructions than morphological constructions (e.g., causatives), differences in possessive constructions and negatives. Christian. Bible portions 1996.(extract from
InstancesContentBearingPhysicalAny Object or Process that expresses content. This covers Objects that contain a Proposition, such as a book, as well as ManualSignLanguage, which may similarly contain a Proposition.
 CreoleLanguageA CreoleLanguage is a PidginLanguage that has developed and become the mother tongue for a community of people. This process is called 'creolization' and results in an expanded vocabulary and grammar structure that allow for communication as rich and complex as that of non-creole languages. While pidgins are regarded as reduced languages, creoles are considered expanded languages. That is, while pidgins develop to enable communication in relatively isolated domains, creoles allow for a full range of expressive possibilities on a par with more 'recognized' languages.(extract from
 Entit�The universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.
 LinguaggioUmanoThe subclass of Languages used by Humans.
 LinguaggioA system of signs for expressing thought. The system can be either natural or artificial, i.e. something that emerges gradually as a cultural artifact or something that is intentionally created by a person or group of people.
 EspressioneLinguisticaThis is the subclass of ContentBearingPhysical which are language-related. Note that this Class encompasses both Language and the the elements of Languages, e.g. Words.
 Entit�ConcretaAn entity that has a location in space-time. Note that locations are themselves understood to have a location in space-time.
 SpokenHumanLanguageA SpokenHumanLanguage is a HumanLanguage which has as its medium the human voice. It can also be represented visually through writing, although not all SpokenHumanLanguages have a codified written form.
 TetunBasedCreoleLanguageA TetunBasedCreoleLanguage is a CreoleLanguage using a grammatical and core lexical foundation of the TetunLanguage.(extract from
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