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reservedPackage ProteinStructuralAttribute
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Prone (prone) relativeHumidity (relative humidity)
PropellerJet (propeller jet) releaseForConsumption (release for consumption)
PropellerPlane (propeller plane) releaseForSale (release for sale)
ProperHepaticArtery (proper hepatic artery) religiousAffiliationOfOrganization (religious affiliation of organization)
PropertyFn (property) rentalPrice (rental price)
Proposition (proposition) rents (rents)
PropositionalAttitude (propositional attitude) representativeAgentToAgent (representative agent to agent)
Propranolol (propranolol) represents (represents)
ProprietaryIdentifier (proprietary identifier) representsForAgent (represents for agent)
Proprietorship (proprietorship) representsInLanguage (represents in language)
Prostrate (prostrate) requestRate (request rate)
Protactinium (protactinium) reservationChannel (reservation channel)
Protecting (protecting) reservationEnd (reservation end)
ProtectiveEyewear (protective eyewear) reservationStart (reservation start)
Protein (protein) reservePrice (reserve Price)
ReservedPackage proteinStructuralAttribute
ProteinStructuralAttribute (protein structural attribute) reservedPackage (reserved package)
ProteinStructuralAttributeComposite (protein structural attribute composite) reservedRoom (reserved room)
ProteinStructuralAttributePrimitive (protein structural attribute primitive) reservingEntity (reserving entity)
ProteinSynthesisTool (protein synthesis tool) resonantFrequency (resonant frequency)
Protestant (protestant) resource (resource)
Protestantism (protestantism) resourceExhausted (resource exhausted)
Proton (proton) resourceUsed (resource used)
ProtonPumpInhibitor (proton pump inhibitor) responseRate (response rate)
Protozoa (protozoa) responseTime (response time)
ProvencalCuisine (Provencal Cuisine) restingBreathingRate (resting breathing rate)
ProvencalLanguage (provencal language) restingHeartRate (resting heart rate)
ProvidenceRhodeIsland (providence rhode island) restinrestingBreathingRategHeartRate (baseline breathing rate)
ProvidenciaSignLanguage (providencia sign language) result (result)
Provolone (provolone) resultType (result type)
ProximalEndOfmetatarsal (ProximalEndOfmetatarsal) rewards (rewards)
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