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hasAward Holder
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Hives (hives) groundSurfaceType (ground surface type)
HizmaWestBank (hizma west bank) groupMember (group member)
HmongMienLanguage (hmong mien language) groupingTitle (grouping title)
HoChiMinhCitySignLanguage (ho chi minh city sign language) guest (guest)
HobbyToyAndGameStores (hobby toy and game stores) guiElementCovered (GUI element covered)
HocakLanguage (hocak language) guiElementCoveredBy (GUI element covered by)
Hockey (hockey) guiElementPartiallyCovered (GUI element partially covered)
HockeyPlayer (Hockey player) guiElementPartiallyCoveredBy (GUI element partially covered by)
HodayaJunctionIsrael (hodaya junction israel) guiElementUncovered (GUI element uncovered)
HogAndPigFarming (hog and pig farming) habitatOfOrganism (habitat of organism)
HoistingDevice (hoisting device) half (half)
HokanLanguage (hokan language) haploidNumber (haploid number)
HokkienLanguage (Hokkien language) hardwareType (hardware type)
HoldenCorporation (Holden Corporation) hasAccount (has account)
HoldenToranaAutomobile (Torana) hasAcrossVariable (has across variable)
HasAward holder
Holder (holder) hasAward (has award)
Hole (Hole) hasDependency (has dependency)
HoleHostFn (hole host) hasDimension (has dimension)
HoleRegion (hole) hasExpertise (has expertise)
HoleSkinFn (hole skin) hasGUEState (has GUE state)
Holiday (holiday) hasMolecularStructuralAttribute (has molecular structural attribute)
HolidayCard (holiday card) hasOccupation (has occupation)
Holmium (holmium) hasPurpose (has purpose)
HolonJunctionIsrael (holon junction israel) hasPurposeForAgent (has purpose for agent)
Holster (holster) hasSkill (has skill)
HolySee (holy see) hasThroughVariable (has through variable)
HomeAndGardenEquipmentAndApplianceRepairAndMaintenance (home and garden equipment and appliance repair and maintenance) hasUniform (has uniform)
HomeAndGardenEquipmentRepairAndMaintenance (home and garden equipment repair and maintenance) hasVariable (has variable)
HomeAppliance (home appliance) havePartTypes (have part types)
HomeBase (home base) hazardous (hazardous)
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