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granularity HouseholdCookingApplianceManufacturing
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HotelUnit (hotel unit) functionRoomAmenity (function room amenity)
HotelVilla (hotel villa) gainsControl (gains control)
HotelsExceptCasinoHotelsAndMotels (hotels except casino hotels and motels) geneticSubstrateOfVirus (genetic substrate of virus)
Hotline (hotline) geographicSubregion (geographic subregion)
Hour (hour) geometricDistance (geometric distance)
HourDuration (hour duration) geometricPart (geometric part)
HourFn (hour) geopoliticalSubdivision (geopolitical subdivision)
House (house) givenName (given name)
HouseChurch (house church) governmentType (government type)
HouseSlipperManufacturing (house slipper manufacturing) governorSpeed (governor speed)
HouseUtilityAppliance (house utility appliance) grainSize (grain size)
HouseholdAndInstitutionalFurnitureAndKitchenCabinetManufacturing (household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing) grammaticalRelation (grammatical relation)
HouseholdAndInstitutionalFurnitureManufacturing (household and institutional furniture manufacturing) grandfather (grandfather)
HouseholdApplianceManufacturing (household appliance manufacturing) grandmother (grandmother)
HouseholdApplianceStores (household appliance stores) grandparent (grandparent)
Granularity householdCookingApplianceManufacturing
HouseholdCookingApplianceManufacturing (household cooking appliance manufacturing) granularity (granularity)
HouseholdFurnitureExceptWoodAndMetalManufacturing (household furniture except wood and metal manufacturing) graphMeasure (graph measure)
HouseholdLaundryEquipmentManufacturing (household laundry equipment manufacturing) graphPart (graph part)
HouseholdRefrigeratorAndHomeFreezerManufacturing (household refrigerator and home freezer manufacturing) grasps (grasps)
HouseholdVacuumCleanerManufacturing (household vacuum cleaner manufacturing) greaterThan (greater than)
HousekeepingPolicy (housekeeping policy) greaterThanByQuality (greater than by quality)
Housewife (housewife) greaterThanOrEqualTo (greater than or equal to)
HoustonTexas (houston texas) grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod (GMB)
HoverBox (hover box) grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod (GMV)
HoverBoxActiveArea (hover box active area) groundSubsurfaceType (ground subsurface type)
HowlandIsland (howland island) groundSurfaceType (ground surface type)
HuachipaeriLanguage (huachipaeri language) groupMember (group member)
HuallgaPeru (huallga peru) groupingTitle (grouping title)
HuambisaLanguage (huambisa language) guest (guest)
HuaveanLanguage (huavean language) guiElementCovered (GUI element covered)
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