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dressCode DrugCandidate
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DriveComponent (drive component) diskTypeForDrive (disk type for drive)
DriveInMotionPictureTheaters (drive in motion picture theaters) dislikes (dislikes)
DriveThru (Drive-thru) displayTitle (display title)
Drivebelt (drivebelt) displayedUpon (displayed upon)
DriversLicense (drivers license) disputedPossession (disputed possession)
Driveshaft (driveshaft) distance (distance)
Driveway (driveway) distanceOnPath (distance on path)
Driving (driving) distributes (distributes)
DrivingRange (driving range) distrusts (distrusts)
Drizzling (drizzling) documentation (documentation)
Drooling (drooling) domain (domain)
DropDownList (drop down list) domainSubclass (domain subclass)
Droplet (droplet) domesticPartner (domestic partner)
Drought (drought) doubts (doubts)
DroughtIssue (drought issue) downPayment (down payment)
DressCode drugCandidate
DrugCandidate (drug candidate) dressCode (dress code)
DrugStore (drug store) drugShipmentDestination (drug shipment destination)
Drugged (drugged) drySeasonInArea (dry season in area)
DrugsAndDruggistsSundriesWholesalers (drugs and druggists sundries wholesalers) duration (duration)
Drum (drum) during (during)
DrumBrake (drum brake) eCommerceSite (e-commerce site)
Drummer (drummer) earlier (earlier)
Drumming (drumming) earthAltitude (earth altitude)
Drunk (drunk) economicAidDonated (economic aid donated)
DruzeMuslim (druze muslim) economicAidDonatedInPeriod (economic aid donated in period)
DruzeSect (druze sect) economicAidReceivedNet (economic aid received net)
Dry (dry) economicAidReceivedNetInPeriod (economic aid received net in period)
DryBulkCarrierShip (dry bulk carrier ship) economyType (economy type)
DryCleaningService (dry-clean) editor (editor)
DryCondensedAndEvaporatedDairyProductManufacturing (dry condensed and evaporated dairy product manufacturing) effectiveDose (effective dose)
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