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shortBalanceAmount RelayAndIndustrialControlManufacturing
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Regretting (regretting) sendRate (send rate)
RegulationAndAdministrationOfCommunicationsElectricGasAndOtherUtilities (regulation and administration of communications electric gas and other utilities) sententialObject (sentential object)
RegulationAndAdministrationOfTransportationPrograms (regulation and administration of transportation programs) sententialSubject (sentential subject)
RegulationLicensingAndInspectionOfMiscellaneousCommercialSectors (regulation licensing and inspection of miscellaneous commercial sectors) serviceFee (service fee)
RegulationOfAgriculturalMarketingAndCommodities (regulation of agricultural marketing and commodities) serviceProvider (service provider)
RegulatoryProcess (regulatory process) serviceRecipient (service recipient)
Reindeer (reindeer) settlingTime (settling time)
Reinfection (reinfection) shape (shape)
ReinsuranceCarriers (reinsurance carriers) shapeChange (shapeChange)
Relation (relation) shareHolder (share holder)
RelationExtendedToQuantities (relation extended to quantities) shareOf (share of)
RelationalAttribute (relational attribute) sharedBorderLength (shared border length)
RelativeComplementFn (relative complement) sheddingBodyPart (shedding body part)
RelativeTimeFn (relative time) sheddingLeaves (shedding leaves)
Relay (relay) shooting (shooting)
ShortBalanceAmount relayAndIndustrialControlManufacturing
RelayAndIndustrialControlManufacturing (relay and industrial control manufacturing) shortBalanceAmount (short balance amount)
Releasing (releasing) shortage (shortage)
ReliefValve (relief valve) shutdownOf (shutdown of)
RelievingPain (relieving pain) sibling (sibling)
ReligiousAttribute (religious attribute) side (side)
ReligiousBuilding (religious building) sideEffect (side effect)
ReligiousBurial (religious burial) sideOfFigure (side of figure)
ReligiousFigure (religious figure) signedBy (signed by)
ReligiousFuneral (religious funeral) significantWaveHeight (significant wave height)
ReligiousGrantmakingCivicProfessionalAndSimilarOrganizations (religious grantmaking civic professional and similar organizations) simpleDeadline (simple deadline)
ReligiousJew (religious jew) simpleInterest (simple interest)
ReligiousMusic (religious music) sister (sister)
ReligiousOrganization (religious organization) siteCatalog (site catalog)
ReligiousOrganizations (religious organizations) siteForContact (site for contact)
ReligiousPosition (religious position) sliceOfFigure (slice of figure)
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