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laborForceTotal ManualLabor
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Mandible (mandible) inventory (inventory)
MandibularBranchOfFacialNerveCNVII (mandibular branch of facial nerve [CNVII]) inverse (inverse)
MandibularNerve (mandibular nerve) involvedInEvent (involved in event)
MandibularSymphysis (MandibularSymphysis) ipAddressOf (ip address of)
Maneuver (maneuver) ipOfDomain (IP of domain)
MangalsenAndSanpheBagarNepal (mangalsen and sanphe bagar nepal) irreflexiveOn (irreflexiveOn)
Manganese (manganese) irrigatedLandArea (irrigated land area)
Mango (mango) issuedBy (issued by)
Manifold (manifold) jailer (jailer)
ManifoldBusinessFormsPrinting (manifold business forms printing) judge (judge)
ManifoldHeatControlValve (manifold heat control valve) judicialBranch (judicial branch)
ManikionLanguage (manikion language) keyName (key name)
ManilaPhilippines (manila philippines) knows (knows)
Manilo (Manilo) laborForceFractionByOccupation (labor force fraction by occupation)
ManualHumanLanguage (manual human language) laborForceFractionByOccupationInPeriod (labor force fraction by occupation in period)
LaborForceTotal manualLabor
ManualLabor (manual labor) laborForceTotal (labor force total)
ManubriumOfSternum (ManubriumOfSternum) laborForceTotalInPeriod (labor force total in period)
Manufacture (manufacture) lacks (lacks)
ManufacturedHomeMobileHomeManufacturing (manufactured home mobile home manufacturing) ladenDraft (laden draft)
ManufacturedMobileHomeDealers (manufactured mobile home dealers) landAreaOnly (land area only)
Manufacturer (manufacturer) landlord (landlord)
Manufacturing (Manufacturing) language (language)
ManufacturingAndIndustrialBuildingConstruction (manufacturing and industrial building construction) languagePercentInRegion (language percent in region)
ManufacturingAndReproducingMagneticAndOpticalMedia (manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media) larger (larger)
ManufacturingBasedEconomy (manufacturing based economy) lastRenovation (last renovation)
ManxLanguage (manx language) lastStatement (last statement)
MaonIsrael (maon israel) lastStatementBalance (last statement balance)
MaoriLanguage (Maori language) leader (leader)
Map (map) leaderPosition (leader position)
MapleTree (maple tree) legalGuardian (legal guardian)
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