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graphPart GreaterTrochanter
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Grasshopper (grasshopper) geneticSubstrateOfVirus (genetic substrate of virus)
Grassland (grassland) geographicSubregion (geographic subregion)
Gravel (gravel) geometricDistance (geometric distance)
GravesDisease (Graves' disease) geometricPart (geometric part)
Gray (gray) geopoliticalSubdivision (geopolitical subdivision)
GrayColor (gray color) givenName (given name)
GrazAustria (graz austria) governmentType (government type)
Grease (grease) governorSpeed (governor speed)
GreaseFitting (grease fitting) grainSize (grain size)
GreaseGun (grease gun) grammaticalRelation (grammatical relation)
GreatAndamaneseLanguage (great andamanese language) grandfather (grandfather)
GreatSaltLake (great salt lake) grandmother (grandmother)
GreaterHornOfHyoidBone (GreaterHornOfHyoidBone) grandparent (grandparent)
GreaterOccipitalNerve (greater occipital nerve) granularity (granularity)
GreaterPalatineArtery (greater palatine artery) graphMeasure (graph measure)
GraphPart greaterTrochanter
GreaterTrochanter (GreaterTrochanter) graphPart (graph part)
GreaterTrochanterIntertrochantericLineAndLineaAsperaOfFemur (GreaterTrochanterIntertrochantericLineAndLineaAsperaOfFemur) grasps (grasps)
GreaterTrochanterOfFemur (GreaterTrochanterOfFemur) greaterThan (greater than)
GreaterWingOfSphenoidAndLateralPterygoidProcess (GreaterWingOfSphenoidAndLateralPterygoidProcess) greaterThanByQuality (greater than by quality)
GreatestCommonDivisorFn (greatest common divisor) greaterThanOrEqualTo (greater than or equal to)
GrecianTub (grecian tub) grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod (GMB)
Greece (greece) grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod (GMV)
GreekCuisine (Greek Cuisine) groundSubsurfaceType (ground subsurface type)
GreekDrachma (greek drachma) groundSurfaceType (ground surface type)
GreekGroupLanguage (greek group language) groupMember (group member)
GreekLanguage (greek language) groupingTitle (grouping title)
GreekSignLanguage (greek sign language) guest (guest)
Green (green) guiElementCovered (GUI element covered)
GreenCabbage (green cabbage) guiElementCoveredBy (GUI element covered by)
GreenhouseGas (greenhouse gas) guiElementPartiallyCovered (GUI element partially covered)
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