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groupMember GabonFranc
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GUE_SelectedState (GUE selected state) grammaticalRelation (grammatical relation)
GUE_TranslucentlyCoveredState (GUE translucently covered state) grandfather (grandfather)
GUE_UncoveredState (GUE uncovered state) grandmother (grandmother)
GUE_VerticallyMaximizedWindowState (GUE vertically maximized window state) grandparent (grandparent)
GUElementState (GU element state) granularity (granularity)
GUIActiveArea (GUI active area) graphMeasure (graph measure)
GUIButton (GUI button) graphPart (graph part)
GUICheckBox (GUI check box) grasps (grasps)
GUIDock (dock) greaterThan (greater than)
GUIElement (GUI element) greaterThanByQuality (greater than by quality)
GUIRadioButton (GUI radio button) greaterThanOrEqualTo (greater than or equal to)
GUISlider (GUI slider) grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod (GMB)
GUISliderIndicator (GUI slider indicator) grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod (GMV)
GUI_Link (GUI_ link) groundSubsurfaceType (ground subsurface type)
Gabon (gabon) groundSurfaceType (ground surface type)
GroupMember gabonFranc
GabonFranc (gabon franc) groupMember (group member)
Gadolinium (gadolinium) groupingTitle (grouping title)
GailLanguage (gail language) guest (guest)
GainingConsciousness (gaining consciousness) guiElementCovered (GUI element covered)
GalelaLanguage (galela language) guiElementCoveredBy (GUI element covered by)
GalelaLolodaLanguage (galela loloda language) guiElementPartiallyCovered (GUI element partially covered)
GaliAbkhaziaGeorgia (gali abkhazia georgia) guiElementPartiallyCoveredBy (GUI element partially covered by)
GalicianCuisine (Galician Cuisine) guiElementUncovered (GUI element uncovered)
GalicianLanguage (galician language) habitatOfOrganism (habitat of organism)
Gallbladder (gallbladder) half (half)
GalleryCar (gallery car) haploidNumber (haploid number)
Gallium (gallium) hardwareType (hardware type)
GalloIberianLanguage (gallo iberian language) hasAccount (has account)
GalloItalianLanguage (gallo italian language) hasAcrossVariable (has across variable)
GalloRhaetianLanguage (gallo rhaetian language) hasAward (has award)
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