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pastTense OsseticLanguage
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OrganizationalProcess (organizational process) parallel (parallel)
OrganizeOlympicGames (organize olympic games) parasite (parasite)
OriyaLanguage (Oriya language) parasitic (parasitic)
OrnamentalAndArchitecturalMetalProductsManufacturing (ornamental and architectural metal products manufacturing) parent (parent)
OrnamentalAndArchitecturalMetalWorkManufacturing (ornamental and architectural metal work manufacturing) part (part)
OrnamentalFish (ornamental fish) partType (partType)
OroWinLanguage (oro win language) partTypes (part types)
OromoLanguage (Oromo language) partialOrderingOn (partial ordering on)
Orthodontist (orthodontist) partiallyFills (partially fills)
Orthography (orthography) partition (partition)
Orthopoxvirus (orthopoxvirus) partlyLocated (partly located)
OsageLanguage (osage language) partyToAgreement (party to agreement)
OsakaJapan (osaka japan) passenger (passenger)
OsloNorway (oslo norway) passengerCapacityMaxNumber (passenger capacity max number)
Osmium (osmium) password (password)
PastTense osseticLanguage
OsseticLanguage (Ossetic language) pastTense (past tense)
Ossification (ossification) paternalAunt (paternal aunt)
OssnabruckGermany (ossnabruck germany) paternalUncle (paternal uncle)
Othena (Othena) path (path)
OtherAccountingServices (other accounting services) pathInSystem (path in system)
OtherActivitiesRelatedToCreditIntermediation (other activities related to credit intermediation) pathLength (path length)
OtherActivitiesRelatedToRealEstate (other activities related to real estate) pathologicSideEffect (pathologic side effect)
OtherAircraftPartsAndAuxiliaryEquipmentManufacturing (other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment manufacturing) pathologicSymptom (pathologic symptom)
OtherAirportOperations (other airport operations) pathologyCandidate (pathologyCandidate)
OtherAluminumRollingAndDrawing (other aluminum rolling and drawing) pathologyTreatment (pathology treatment)
OtherAmbulatoryHealthCareServices (other ambulatory health care services) patient (patient)
OtherAmusementAndRecreationIndustries (other amusement and recreation industries) patientMedical (patient medical)
OtherAnimalAquaculture (other animal aquaculture) paymentsPerPeriod (payments per period)
OtherAnimalFoodManufacturing (other animal food manufacturing) penetrates (penetrates)
OtherAnimalProduction (other animal production) perCapitaGDP (per capita GDP)
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