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industryRankByOutput IronAndSteelMills
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IranianCuisine (Iranian Cuisine) inScopeOfInterest (in scope of interest)
IranianLanguage (iranian language) inString (in string)
IranianRial (iranian rial) inTheMoney (in the money)
Iraq (iraq) includedMeal (included meal)
IraqiCuisine (Iraqi Cuisine) income (income)
IraqiDinar (iraqi dinar) incomeDistributionByGiniIndex (income distribution by gini index)
IrbilIraq (irbil iraq) incomeDistributionByGiniIndexInPeriod (income distribution by gini index in period)
Ireland (ireland) incomeEarned (income earned)
Iridium (iridium) increasesLikelihood (increases likelihood)
IrishCuisine (Irish Cuisine) independenceDate (independence date)
IrishGaelicLanguage (irish gaelic language) independentProbability (independent probability)
IrishPound (irish pound) industrialProductionGrowthRate (industrial production growth rate)
IrishSignLanguage (irish sign language) industrialProductionGrowthRateInPeriod (industrial production growth rate in period)
Iron (iron) industryOfArea (industry of area)
IronAndSteelForging (iron and steel forging) industryProductType (industry product type)
IndustryRankByOutput ironAndSteelMills
IronAndSteelMills (iron and steel mills) industryRankByOutput (industry rank by output)
IronAndSteelMillsAndFerroalloyManufacturing (iron and steel mills and ferroalloy manufacturing) industryServiceType (industry service type)
IronAndSteelPipeAndTubeManufacturingFromPurchasedSteel (iron and steel pipe and tube manufacturing from purchased steel) inflationRate (inflationRate)
IronForging (iron forging) inflationRateInCountry (inflation rate in country)
IronFoundries (iron foundries) inflationRateOfConsumerPrices (inflation rate of consumer prices)
IronMills (iron mills) inflationRateOfConsumerPricesInPeriod (inflation rate of consumer prices in period)
IronOre (iron ore) ingredient (ingredient)
IronOreMining (iron ore mining) ingredientAmount (amount of ingredient)
Ironing (ironing) inhabits (inhabits)
IroningBoard (ironing board) inhibit (inhibit)
IroningService (ironing service) inhibits (inhibits)
IroquoianLanguage (iroquoian language) initialList (initial list)
IrradiationApparatusManufacturing (irradiation apparatus manufacturing) initialPart (initial part)
IrrationalNumber (irrational number) initiallyContainsPart (initially contains part)
IrreflexiveRelation (irreflexive relation) instance (instance)
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