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pathologicSymptom Offering
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OccupationalRole (occupational role) partialOrderingOn (partial ordering on)
OccupationalTrade (occupational trade) partiallyFills (partially fills)
Ocean (ocean) partition (partition)
OceanLiner (ocean liner) partlyLocated (partly located)
Oceania (oceania) partyToAgreement (party to agreement)
OctaploidCell (octaploid cell) passenger (passenger)
October (October) passengerCapacityMaxNumber (passenger capacity max number)
Octopus (octopus) password (password)
OctopusMeat (octopus) pastTense (past tense)
OcularGroupArtery (ocular group artery) paternalAunt (paternal aunt)
OcularMuscularArtery (ocular muscular artery) paternalUncle (paternal uncle)
OculomotorNerveCNIII (oculomotor nerve [CNIII]) path (path)
OddInteger (odd integer) pathInSystem (path in system)
OesophagealBranchArtery (oesophageal branch artery) pathLength (path length)
OffensiveInformationOperation (offensive information operation) pathologicSideEffect (pathologic side effect)
PathologicSymptom offering
Offering (offering) pathologicSymptom (pathologic symptom)
OfferingForSale (offering for sale) pathologyCandidate (pathologyCandidate)
OfferingToPurchase (offering to purchase) pathologyTreatment (pathology treatment)
OfficeAdministrativeServices (office administrative services) patient (patient)
OfficeBuilding (office building) patientMedical (patient medical)
OfficeEquipmentWholesalers (office equipment wholesalers) paymentsPerPeriod (payments per period)
OfficeFurnitureExceptWoodManufacturing (office furniture except wood manufacturing) penetrates (penetrates)
OfficeFurnitureIncludingFixturesManufacturing (office furniture including fixtures manufacturing) perCapitaGDP (per capita GDP)
OfficeMachineryAndEquipmentRentalAndLeasing (office machinery and equipment rental and leasing) perCapitaGDPInPeriod (per capitaGDP in period)
OfficeMachineryManufacturing (office machinery manufacturing) performanceResult (performance result)
OfficeSuppliesAndStationeryStores (office supplies and stationery stores) periodicPayment (periodic payment)
OfficeSuppliesExceptPaperManufacturing (office supplies except paper manufacturing) permanentCropLandArea (permanent crop land area)
OfficeSuppliesStationeryAndGiftStores (office supplies stationery and gift stores) permits (permits)
OfficesOfAllOtherHealthPractitioners (offices of all other health practitioners) perpetrator (perpetrator)
OfficesOfAllOtherMiscellaneousHealthPractitioners (offices of all other miscellaneous health practitioners) personTransportCapability (person transport capability)
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