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homePhoneNumber HongKong
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HomeFurnishingsStores (home furnishings stores) highTide (high tide)
HomeGarage (home garage) highestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncome (highest decile share of household income)
HomeHealthCareServices (home health care services) highestDecileShareOfHouseholdIncomeInPeriod (highest decile share of household income in period)
HomeHealthEquipmentRental (home health equipment rental) highestTemperatureForPeriod (highest temperature for period)
HomePage (home page) hinders (hinders)
HomeRun (home run) hindersSubclass (hinders subclass)
HomeScreen (home screen) holds (holds)
HomesForTheElderly (homes for the elderly) holdsDuring (holds during)
Hominid (hominid) holdsObligation (holds obligation)
HomologousChromosomeSet (homologous chromosome set) holdsRight (holds right)
HonduranCuisine (Honduran Cuisine) hole (hole)
HonduranLempira (honduran lempira) holidayTimeInArea (holiday time in area)
Honduras (honduras) home (home)
Honey (honey) homeAddress (home address)
HoneymoonSuite (honeymoon suite) homePage (homepage)
HomePhoneNumber hongKong
HongKong (hong kong) homePhoneNumber (home phone number)
HongKongDollar (hong kong dollar) homologousChromosome (homologous chromosome)
HonoluluHawaii (honolulu hawaii) homologousChromosomePair (homologous chromosome pair)
Hoof (hoof) hopes (hopes)
HoofedMammal (hoofed mammal) hostJitter (host jitter)
HookOfHamateFlexorRetinaculum (HookOfHamateFlexorRetinaculum) hostOf (host of)
Hope (hope) hostStatus (host status)
HopperDredger (hopper dredger) hostedOn (hosted on)
Hops (hops) hostileForces (hostile forces)
Horizontal (horizontal) hotSeasonInArea (hot season in area)
HorizontalScrollBar (horizontal scroll bar) humanCapacity (human capacity)
HorizontalWindowScrolling (horizontal window scrolling) humanName (human name)
Hormone (hormone) husband (husband)
Horn (horn) identicalListItems (identical list items)
HornInstrument (horn instrument) identityElement (identity element)
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