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disputedPossession Dead
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DatabaseAndDirectoryPublishers (database and directory publishers) discography (discography)
DateFruit (date fruit) discovers (discovers)
DatumFn (datum) diseaseCandidate (diseaseCandidate)
Daxas (Daxas) diseaseIncubation (disease incubation)
Day (day) diseaseMedicine (disease treatment)
DayDuration (day duration) diseaseMortality (disease mortality)
DayFn (day) diseaseSymptom (disease symptom)
DayLoan (day loan) diseaseTreatment (diseaseTreatment)
DayOrder (day order) disjoint (disjoint)
DaySchool (day school) disjointDecomposition (disjoint decomposition)
DayTime (day time) disjointRelation (disjoint relation)
DcMotor (dc motor) diskTypeForDrive (disk type for drive)
DeFrieEvangeliskeForsamlinger (De frie evangeliske forsamlinger) dislikes (dislikes)
Deacon (deacon) displayTitle (display title)
DeactivatingAnAccount (de-activating an account) displayedUpon (displayed upon)
DisputedPossession dead
Dead (dead) disputedPossession (disputed possession)
DeadFn (Dead fn) distance (distance)
DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn (dead or missing body part fn) distanceOnPath (distance on path)
DeadSea (dead sea) distributes (distributes)
Deaf (deaf) distrusts (distrusts)
DeafSignLanguage (deaf sign language) documentation (documentation)
Death (death) domain (domain)
DeathCareServices (death care services) domainSubclass (domain subclass)
DeathCertificate (DeathCertificate) domesticPartner (domestic partner)
DeathsPerThousandFn (deaths per thousand) doubts (doubts)
DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn (deaths per thousand live births) downPayment (down payment)
DebaSpain (deba spain) dressCode (dress code)
Debating (debating) drugShipmentDestination (drug shipment destination)
DebitCard (debit card) drySeasonInArea (dry season in area)
Deboarding (deboarding) duration (duration)
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