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(subclass Machine Device) Merge.kif 16113-16113 子類 Machine and Device
(subclass VendingMachine Machine) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1947-1947 子類 售貨機 and Machine
(subclass IceMachine Machine) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25568-25568 子類 IceMachine and Machine
(subclass Motor Machine) engineering.kif 742-742 子類 發動機 and Machine
(subclass Lathe Machine) Economy.kif 5986-5986 子類 車床 and Machine
(subclass Planer Machine) Economy.kif 6013-6013 子類 刨床 and Machine
(subclass Generator Machine) Cars.kif 1190-1190 子類 Generator and Machine
(subclass AirConditioningCondenser Machine) Cars.kif 2028-2028 子類 AirConditioningCondenser and Machine
(subclass AirConditioningEvaporator Machine) Cars.kif 2052-2052 子類 AirConditioningEvaporator and Machine
(subclass GasCompressor Machine) Cars.kif 5153-5153 子類 GasCompressor and Machine

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