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Physical9046An entity that has a location in space-time. Note that locations are themselves understood to have ...^
    Process1421The class of things that happen and have temporal parts or stages. Examples include extended events...^
        AddToCart.A Process where the patient was not a member of the agent's webcart collection before t...^
        Checkout.The final subProcess of a Buying - i.e. there does not exist any subProcess of the Buying o...^
        WatchItem.A Process where the patient was not a member of the agent's watchingListings collection...^
        LargeGroupProcess2Any Process involving more than 10 Agents.^
        CausingHappiness.Any Process whose result is that the patient of the process is happy.^
        CausingUnhappiness1Any Process whose result is that the patient of the process is unhappy.^
        BreakingRecord.A Process where the AutonomousAgent takes a specific CaseRole in a Process of a specific ...^
        ContentBearingProcess157Any Process, for example ManualHumanLanguage, which may contain a Proposition.^
        DualObjectProcess119Any Process that requires two, nonidentical patients.^
        SingleAgentProcess.SingleAgentProcess is the Class of all Processes that require exactly one agent in order to...^
        NaturalProcess24A Process that take place in nature spontanously.^
        IntentionalProcess836A Process that has a specific purpose for the AutonomousAgent who performs it.^
        Motion428Any Process of movement.^
        InternalChange459Processes which involve altering an internal property of an Object, e.g. the shape of the Obj...^
        AgentPatientProcess.Instances of AgentPatientProcess have at least one agent and at least one patient. Unlike ins...^
        PowerGeneration5PowerGeneration is the class of Processes in which some kind of power is generated either for i...^

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