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Relation: subclass

Transitway54Transitway is the broadest class of regions which may be passed through as a path in instances ...^
WaterArea96A body which is made up predominantly of water, e.g. rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.^
    Waterway11Waterway is the class of navigable waters, including Oceans, SeaLanes, Rivers, Canals, ...^
        Channel.A Channel is a narrow deep waterway connecting two larger bodies of water. May be natural or dred...^
        Harbor1Harbor is the subclass of WaterAreas that provide shelter and anchorage for WaterVehicle.^
        WaterJunction.WaterJunction is the subclass of TransitwayJunctions where two or more Waterways come togethe...^
        Canal.Canal is the subclass of navigable Waterways flowing through an artificial course. Typically, a...^

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