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Relation: subclass

Function310A Function is a term-forming Relation that maps from a n-tuple of arguments to a range and that...^
QuaternaryRelation32QuaternaryRelations relate four items. The two subclasses of QuaternaryRelation are Quatern...^
InheritableRelation1765The class of Relations whose properties can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the ...^
    TernaryFunction3The Class of Functions that require exactly three arguments.^
        MusicalInterpretationFn.The function (MusicalInterpretationFn ?A ?M ?T) returns an instance of MakingMusic that refer...^
        SubstringFn.(SubstringFn ?SymbolicString ?NonnegativeInteger-1 ?NonnegativeInteger-2) denotes a string ...^
        SubListFn.A Function that returns a portion of the List that runs from the first index to the second inde...^

Relation: Term:

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