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Relation: subclass

Relation1769The Class of relations. There are two kinds of Relation: Predicate and Function. Predicat...^
InheritableRelation1765The class of Relations whose properties can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the ...^
    TemporalRelation40The Class of temporal Relations. This Class includes notions of (temporal) topology of interv...^
        anniversary2(anniversary ?PHYSICAL ?TIME) means that ?TIME is the class of TimeIntervals which mark the anniv...^
        weddingAnniversary.(weddingAnniversary ?PHYSICAL ?TIME) means that ?TIME is the class of TimeIntervals which mark the ...^
        time1This relation holds between an instance of Physical and an instance of TimePosition just in cas...^
        temporalPart2The temporal analogue of the spatial part predicate. (temporalPart ?POS1 ?POS2) means that Ti...^
        BeginFn.A UnaryFunction that maps a TimeInterval to the TimePoint at which the interval begins.^
        EndFn.A UnaryFunction that maps a TimeInterval to the TimePoint at which the interval ends.^
        starts.(starts ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that ?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVAL2 are both TimeIntervals that...^
        finishes.(finishes ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that ?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVAL2 are both TimeIntervals th...^
        before.(before ?POINT1 ?POINT2) means that ?POINT1 precedes ?POINT2 on the universal timeline.^
        beforeOrEqual1(beforeOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2) means that ?POINT1 is identical with ?POINT2 or occurs before it ...^
        temporallyBetween.(temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3) means that the TimePoint ?POINT2 is between the T...^
        temporallyBetweenOrEqual1(temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3) means that the TimePoint ?POINT1 is before o...^
        overlapsTemporally.(overlapsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that the TimeIntervals ?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVA...^
        meetsTemporally.(meetsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that the terminal point of the TimeInterval ?INTE...^
        earlier.(earlier ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that the TimeInterval ?INTERVAL1 ends before the TimeIn...^
        cooccur.(cooccur ?THING1 ?THING2) means that the Object or Process ?THING1 occurs at the same time as...^
        TimeIntervalFn.A BinaryFunction that takes two TimePoints as arguments and returns the TimeInterval defined ...^
        RecurrentTimeIntervalFn.A function that is useful for generating recurring time intervals. For example, (RecurrentTimeInt...^
        WhenFn.A UnaryFunction that maps an Object or Process to the exact TimeInterval during which it ex...^
        PastFn.A UnaryFunction that maps a TimePosition to the TimeInterval that meets it and that begins at...^
        ImmediatePastFn.A UnaryFunction that maps a TimePosition to a short, indeterminate TimeInterval that immediat...^
        FutureFn.A UnaryFunction that maps a TimePosition to the TimeInterval which it meets and which ends at...^
        ImmediateFutureFn.A UnaryFunction that maps a TimePosition to a short, indeterminate TimeInterval that immediat...^
        YearFn.A UnaryFunction that maps a number to the corresponding calendar Year. For example, (YearFn 1...^
        MonthFn.A BinaryFunction that maps a subclass of Month and a subclass of Year to the class containing...^
        DayFn.A BinaryFunction that assigns a PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of Months to the Days wit...^
        HourFn.A BinaryFunction that assigns a PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of Days to the Hours with...^
        MinuteFn.A BinaryFunction that assigns a PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of Hours to the Minutes w...^
        SecondFn.A BinaryFunction that assigns a PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of Minutes to the Seconds...^
        MorningFn.A UnaryFunction that returns the class of Mornings of the given Day.^
        AfternoonFn.A UnaryFunction that returns the class of Afternoons of the given Day.^
        EveningFn.A UnaryFunction that returns the class of Evenings of the given Day.^
        WeekFn.A BinaryFunction that assigns a PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of Year to the Week withi...^
        QuarterFn.A BinaryFunction that assigns a PositiveRealNumber and a subclass of Year to the Quarter wi...^
        TemporalCompositionFn.The basic Function for expressing the composition of larger TimeIntervals out of smaller Time...^
        RelativeTimeFn.A means of converting TimePositions between different TimeZones. (RelativeTimeFn ?TIME ?ZONE)...^
        typicalTemporalPart.An instance of the first argument is typically a temporal part of an instance of the second argumen...^
        typicallyContainsTemporalPart.An instance of the second argument typically contains an instance of the first argument. This is a ...^

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