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SkilledOccupation218Any Position which requires learning a set of skills.^
    ProfessionalAthlete23ProfessionalAthlete is a person who is trained to compete in sports and makes his living from doi...^
        BaseballPlayer.An athlete who plays baseball.^
        BasketballPlayer.An athlete who plays basketball.^
        Boxer.An athlete who competes on the combat sport in which two people fight each other using their fists,...^
        CarRacingDriver.An athlete who competes in the motorsport of CarRacing.^
        Cricketer.An athlete who plays Cricket.^
        FootballerUS.An athlete who plays American football.^
        FootballerSoccer.An athlete who plays soccer, called football in the United Kingdom.^
        Golfer.An athlete who plays Golf.^
        RugbyPlayer.An athlete who plays Rugby in one of the several modalities.^
        LacrossePlayer.An athlete who plays Lacrosse.^
        HockeyPlayer.An athlete who plays Hockey.^
        IceHockeyPlayer.An athlete who plays IceHockey.^
        Swimmer.An athlete who swims competitively.^
        FormulaOneDriver.A driver of Formula One cars.^
        RacingCarDriver.A driver of racing cars.^
        RockClimber.A person who climbs rocks for sport and fun.^
        MotorcycleRider.A person who rides Motorcycles for sport.^
        Wrestler.An athlete who competes in a combat sport in which two people grapple and attempt to throw or immob...^
        TennisProfessional.TennisProfessional is a ProfessionalAthlete that plays Tennis^

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