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Relation: subclass

IntentionalRelation23The Class of Relations between an AutonomousAgent and one or more Entities, where the Rel...^
InheritableRelation1765The class of Relations whose properties can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the ...^
    ObjectAttitude5The Class of IntentionalRelations where the AutonomousAgent has awareness of an instance of &...^
        enemy.Marks two Agents that are enemies of each other^
        dislikes.(dislikes ?AGENT ?OBJECT) means that ?AGENT has a feeling of antipathy to ?OBJECT, i.e. ?AGENT be...^
        needs1(needs ?AGENT ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is physically required for the continued existence of ?...^
        wants.(wants ?AGENT ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is desired by ?AGENT, i.e. ?AGENT believes that ?OBJECT...^

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