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Relation: subclass

RelationalAttribute3227Any Attribute that an Entity has by virtue of a relationship that it bears to another Entity ...^
    MeasurementAttribute12An Attribute that indicates what about a particular object is being measured. This is most common...^
        DefaultMeasure.The default measure when there is no other value of a given quantity provided in a memberMeasure ...^
        Length.As with length, this is the measure of an Object along its longest span.^
        Width.As with Width, this is the measure of an Object from side to side at its widest span.^
        Height.As with height, the height of an Object is the distance between its top and its bottom.^
        Circumfrence.As with circumfrence, the Circumfrence of an Object is the length of the boundary of circle.^
        Diameter.As with diameter, the diameter of an Object is twice the distance between its center and point ...^
        ApproximateDiameter.As with diameter, the diameter of an Object is twice the distance between its center and point ...^
        Area.As with diameter, the diameter of an Object is twice the distance between its center and point ...^
        VoltageRatingPrimary.VoltageRatingPrimary is the primary rating voltage of an ElectricalTransformer. It is the power...^
        VoltageRatingSecondary.VoltageRatingSecondary is the secondary rating voltage of an ElectricalTransformer. It is the p...^
        Frequency.The Frequency of an Object is the number of time a %Process occurs in a unit of time (frequen...^
        TransformerCapacity.As with transformerCapacity, the capacity of an ElectricalTransformer is the maximum power it c...^

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