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Relation: subclass

Relation1769The Class of relations. There are two kinds of Relation: Predicate and Function. Predicat...^
    InheritableRelation1765The class of Relations whose properties can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the ...^
        SingleValuedRelation351A Relation is a SingleValuedRelation just in case an assignment of values to every argument pos...^
        TotalValuedRelation205A Relation is a TotalValuedRelation just in case there exists an assignment for the last argume...^
        BinaryRelation1310BinaryRelations are relations that are true only of pairs of things. BinaryRelations are repres...^
        CaseRole62The Class of Predicates relating the spatially distinguished parts of a Process. CaseRoles ...^
        ProbabilityRelation5The Class of Relations that permit assessment of the probability of an event or situation.^
        SpatialRelation77The Class of Relations that are spatial in a wide sense. This Class includes mereological rel...^
        TemporalRelation40The Class of temporal Relations. This Class includes notions of (temporal) topology of interv...^
        IntentionalRelation23The Class of Relations between an AutonomousAgent and one or more Entities, where the Rel...^
        PropositionalAttitude7The Class of IntentionalRelations where the AutonomousAgent has awareness of a Proposition....^
        ObjectAttitude5The Class of IntentionalRelations where the AutonomousAgent has awareness of an instance of &...^
        TernaryRelation386TernaryRelations relate three items. The two subclasses of TernaryRelation are TernaryPredi...^
        QuaternaryRelation32QuaternaryRelations relate four items. The two subclasses of QuaternaryRelation are Quatern...^
        QuintaryRelation10QuintaryRelations relate five items. The two subclasses of QuintaryRelation are QuintaryPre...^
        Predicate1424A Predicate is a sentence-forming Relation. Each tuple in the Relation is a finite, ordered s...^
        Function310A Function is a term-forming Relation that maps from a n-tuple of arguments to a range and that...^
        UnaryFunction191The Class of Functions that require a single argument.^
        BinaryFunction101The Class of Functions that require two arguments.^
        TernaryFunction3The Class of Functions that require exactly three arguments.^
        QuaternaryFunction4The Class of Functions that require exactly four arguments.^
        BinaryPredicate1100A Predicate relating two items - its valence is two.^
        TernaryPredicate282The Class of Predicates that require exactly three arguments.^
        QuaternaryPredicate27The Class of Predicates that require four arguments.^
        QuintaryPredicate3The Class of Predicates that require five arguments.^
        RelationExtendedToQuantities5A RelationExtendedToQuantities is a Relation that, when it is true on a sequence of arguments t...^

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