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Container43Any Holder whose purpose is to contain something else. Note that Container is more specific in ...^
    FluidContainer14A Container which is used to store Fluids, i.e. Liquids and Gases.^
        BathTub1BathTub refers to a BathingDevice that you can fill with water to use to watch the body^
        Bottle.A Container whose top is narrower than its bottom, which has no handle, and which is intended to ...^
        DrinkingCup.An open FluidContainer that is intended to serve a Beverage to a single person. Note that this ...^
        SwimmingPool1A FluidContainer that is filled with Water and that is used for Swimming.^
        WhirlpoolTub1WhirlpoolTub refers to a FluidContainer used by Humans for relaxation with jets used to creat...^
        FishTank.A Container designed to hold Water and Fish. Note that many such tanks can be repurposed to h...^
        Cask.A FluidContainer made of Wood, typically used during the modern area for ageing of alcoholic be...^
        GasTank.A Container in a Vehicle designed to hold a Liquid Fuel for use in its Engine. Note that ...^
        OilPan.A Container for the Oil that is used in Lubricating the Engine of an Automobile. The oil ...^
        Balloon1Any Pliable container that is made for holding a Gas.^

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